
A Spirit of Unity


God wants us to have a spirit of unity.


The choir or congregation shall sing one verse of “Amazing Grace.” The pianist shall play one verse of “Count Your Many Blessings.” The organist shall play one verse of “It is Well With My Soul.” Or any other favorite songs may be substituted.


Romans 15:5-6 (NIV) may the God who give endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Today you are going to have to use your ears. Let’s listen to our choir (or congregation) sing a little of “Amazing Grace.” (choir or congregation sing one verse or refrain) Did you like that? It was great. Now let’s hear our pianist play a little of “Count Your Many Blessings.” (pianist plays) I really love that song, don’t you? Okay, finally let’s listen to our organist play “It is Well With My Soul.” (organist plays) That was beautiful. I like all of those songs equally well.

If I like those songs so much one at a time, I bet I’ll like them three times better if they are played all at the same time. (all performers play and sing different songs at once) Oh, that didn’t sound too good. Did you like it? (no) Why? (because they were all jumbled and none of them made sense)

God has a lesson in this for us. God wants us to have a spirit of unity when we praise him and when we tell others about him. God wants us to praise him with one heart and one mouth. We, as a bunch of believers, love him the same as our Lord and Savior and we confess the same things about him with our mouths.

Prayer: God, give us a spirit of unity to praise you and tell others about you. Make our knowledge of you become complete and may we learn the same truths about you, whether we hear your truths from a Sunday school teacher, a parent, or our Pastor. Amen.