
A Bible Presentation Ceremony


Presentation of Bibles to our Third Grade Students


Bag of Books including books of the following types:       How To – I used “How to Clean Practically Anything”       Schoolbook – I used “Principles of Accounting”       Storybook – I used “Cinderella”       Medical Guide – I used “AMA Family Medical Guide”       Bible



Good Morning!!! Guess what I have in my bag today….Books – all kinds of books! Let’s see, I have “How to Clean Anything” – this book tells me how to clean up different kinds of messes. I know none of you ever makes a mess – do you? (Take a few comments.) Well this book tells you “how to” clean up all those things.

I also have “Principles of Accounting” … sounds really interesting doesn’t it? This book is one that my daughter’s teachers used to help her learn about numbers and money.

Here is a “Family Medical Guide”…what would I use this book for? (Take a few answers.) That’s right, if I was sick, I could use this book to help me figure out what is wrong with me and what I can do to make myself feel better.

Oh, this book looks like one that you might like better….”Cinderella”! This book tells me a story.

Well…it looks like I only have one more book in my bag and it is a very special book….the Bible. Who can tell me how this book is like all of the others that I have? (Take a few comments.)

Just like my “How To” book, the Bible tells me “how to” live and how we should treat one another – for example, Ten Commandments.

Just like teachers use the accounting book to help us learn, our Pastor and Sunday School teachers use the Bible to help us learn.

My Medical book can only be used for any medical problems I might have, but I use my Bible to help me find answers to ALL of my problems.

My “Cinderella” book tells me just one story, but the Bible has lots of stories in it….can you remember what any of them are about? (Take a few comments.) There’s the story about Daniel and the Lion’s Den, the story about Noah & the Ark, the story about Mary & Joseph & Baby Jesus, etc….

So, any time you have to use a book, try to take just a moment to remember that there is a very special book that we Christians can use anytime we want.

(I had the group sing “Jesus Loves Me” to close this message.)