
Making Choices


The choices we make determine how we grow


A plant with seeds in it. (I used a stalk of cotton.) A flat plate, a small bowl, a planting pot, a bag of gravel, a bag of potting soil, a bottle of soda pop, a bottle of water.


This is the meaning of the parable: The seed is the word of God." Luke 8:11 (NIV)

Good morning boys and girls! Who can tell me what this is? Right, it's a stalk of cotton. What do we use cotton for? (Give them time to answer.) There are so many uses for cotton aren't there? Now what do we have to do to get more cotton? Right, we have to plant the seeds. (At this point take a seed from the cotton boles and give one to each child.)

Now we have to make some choices to get our seed to grow, don't we? (Show them the choices you have brought for the vessel. If necessary help them to decide which one would be best.)

OK, we've go our pot. (Drop the seed into the bottom of the pot.)  Now, we just wait for it to grow, right? (After they disagree with this show them, one at a time, the choices you have brought for soil. If necessary help them to decide which one would be best.)

Plant the seed and repeat the above with the choices you have brought for watering the seed.

Ok, we've made the best choices possible to help this seed become a cotton plant. Did you know that we have to make choices to help the seed of our faith in Jesus Christ to grow so we can become mature Christians? What do you think some of these choices are? (Allow the children time to answer. If necessary help them to understand that we need to chose prayer, studying God's word, going to church, etc.)

Let's say a prayer.

Father God please help us to make wise choices so the seed of our faith in Jesus Christ can help us to grow and become mature Christians. Amen.