
Stained Glass Windows


Our lives can be compared to stained glass windows


A stained glass window


The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit (Psalms 34:18).

Children, have you ever noticed the beautiful stained glass windows we have in our church? Look closely at the little pieces of glass that are part of the big windows. Do you see that the edges are broken? The glass isn’t perfect either, is it? Some of the pieces of glass have bubbles embedded in them. The glass isn’t all the same color within each piece too. Our lives can be compared to these stained glass windows.

Just like stained glass, we need to believe that we are just as God intended us to be: full of color, sparkle, and great purpose through the grace of God.

Each one of us brings a new piece of our own broken lives to light so that we can inspect it, and shape in a new way. We can take the brokenness of our lives and try to see the beauty in it that God sees. In our troubles, we can fail to see how this problem can be meant for us. We may even ask God to take away the problem. There are times we feel like we are scattered, broken and anything but a beautiful piece of art for God. All of us are both beautiful and broken. We're called to live lives where the Creator can work through us, yet where we try to make sense of our brokenness.

Heavenly Father, help us to trust you and know that you love us and want only the best for our lives. Help us to live our lives in a way that helps others want to know you better.