
Sunday School Teacher Tribute


A Tribute To Sunday School Teachers-Attending Sunday School is very important. (Note: The following is my own personal reflection of my Sunday School memories. Feel free to use this as a guide to discuss yours.)




Deuteronomy 4:9 “…do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.”

Some of my fondest memories growing up involve coming to this church. I remember the Bible Schools we had, playing freeze tag & football in the church yard, eating homecoming meals outside because the Fellowship Hall had not been built yet, the Bicentennial celebration we had in 1976 when everybody dressed up in patriotic clothes, Easter egg hunts, there was a skating rink in Warsaw and our church would go skating there once a week, going square dancing at Mr. Sam’s house, the time the youth group took an overnight trip to White Lake, soft ball games at Mr. Allen’s & Mrs. Kay’s house, etc.

But what I’m most appreciative are my Sunday School teachers I had through the years growing up. They took the time & effort each and every week to prepare and teach each lesson. So, today I want to pay tribute to the Sunday School teachers I’ve had over the years by remembering some of the things that stand out in my mind and thank them for helping to develop me into the Christian I am today.

Up to 5 years old (preschool class) – Miss Katie Hall: Miss Katie never married nor had children, but she taught Sunday School to many children over the years. I remember the songs she would teach us to sing like “Jesus Loves Me”, “This Little Light of Mine”, “Zachaeus”, and sometimes playing with Play-Doh after the lessons were over.

5-7 years old (kindergarten class) – Mrs. Ren: Her class was located in a back room of the sanctuary. I remember making crafts like felt Bible markers. The class I remember most is the one where she stressed that Jesus could come back anytime of any day and that we should all be ready to meet Him.

8-12 years old (primary class) – Mrs. Louise/Mrs. Linda: Their class was upstairs and our table was next to the window! I enjoyed their lessons but our table was next to window and it was hard to focus on the lessons and not keep looking out the window.

13-15 years old (junior high class) – Mrs. Emily/Mr. Jimmy: Their class was in the new upstairs section. In Mrs. Emily’s class, we would sometimes play Bible word games on the black board if we finished the lesson early. I remember the fun we had going skating in Clinton and going to the movies. I remember Mr. Jimmy being very knowledgeable about the Bible and being able to relate real life stories to the lessons so we all could understand them better. But, I remember one time him getting on to us about cutting up during the sermon and that we should be setting examples for the younger kids.

16-18 years old (high school) – Mr. Allen: I remember him having us going around the table saying a prayer before the lesson started. He also would ask us to take turns every so often teaching the class. I dreaded those Sundays when it was my turn! But, it helped me learn the Bible and not be as bashful. Two or three times a year we would go to Hardee’s for breakfast to enjoy Christian fellowship during the Sunday School time.

After 18 - The there was a period of years that I didn’t think Sunday School wasn’t important, so I’m ashamed to say I didn’t go and I regret it very much now.

30 (adult class) – My Mom: I remember the proud feeling I had listening to her lessons-knowing she was teaching others the same things she taught us growing up.

Now (young adult class) - My wife Beverly: It makes me proud of her to know she has all her responsibilities with her job, being a wife & mother, etc., but yet she still puts forth the time & effort to prepare her lesson each Sunday.

So that is my tribute to my Sunday School teachers. I hope I haven’t bored you going down memory lane.

The point of all of this that I’m making today is that coming to Sunday School (in addition to coming for the worship service) is very important. Not only to learn about God and the stories in the Bible, but so that you’ll have lasting memories like I have.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank you for all of the Sunday School teachers, leaders, preachers and others that have helped to contribute to the salvation of the members of this church.