Mystery Of The Trinity Group
Actividades del grupo

Interactive Group Activities
by Laurie Juarez

Sermon Title: "The Mystery of the Trinity"

Scripture Reading: John 16:12-15

TRINITY BRACELET – To help the children remember that the trinity is 3 in 1, have them make a bracelet that contains three strands. There are various ways to do this and with various types of material. You can use whatever you have on hand – yarn, ribbon, string, leather strands, elastic, etc. Tie three pieces together at one end; then, if you have any beads or charms you could let them decorate the strands and then tie them together at the other end. Then tie both ends together (or use hooks if you have them). If you have older children that can braid they could also do that. Different ways to make them…

Three in One game: Using the idea of the old game of trying to drop a clothespin in a bottle, give the children three objects (pennies, pebbles, small blocks, etc) and see if they can get all three into a jar or vase. Give them three tries and if they don’t get all three move on to the next person.

The Three Leaf Clover: This is another analogy of the trinity. It is a simple analogy – each leaf is part of the Godhead…Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God is the entire clover. Maybe you even have some clovers outside that you could bring in to share!

For a coloring page activity using a three leaf clover, click here.

Snack: Sliced apples will make a good snack for this lesson. Slice the apples leaving the skin and the core intact. This will provide another three in one analogy for the trinity. (The skin, flesh, and the core.)


Song: The Doxology (Old 100th)

Words and Music (PDF)

Piano Accompaniment (mp3)

Song: Spirit of the Living God

Words and Music (PDF)

Piano Accompaniment (mp3)

About Laurie Juarez
Laurie graduated from UNC Chapel Hill in 1999 and, after working two years with special need preschoolers, she went to Moyobamba, Peru as a missionary. In Peru, she met and married Noe Juarez. After moving back to the United States, she attended Union Presbyterian seminary where she received her masters in Christian education. Laurie has served as a DCE in two churches in North Carolina and currently serves as a part time DCE in the Fort Lauderdale, Florida church where her husband is the pastor.
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