
Jacob's Ladder


Jacob’s dream about a ladder


A paper Jacob's Ladder chain (see below); Paper cut into 1X20 strips (2 per child); Clear Tape


Genesis 28:10-19

Children's Sermon: Jacob's Ladder (Genesis 28:10-19)

For each child and yourself, you’ll need to complete the first step of the “Jacob’s Ladder (Paper Chain).” 

  • Lay the strips perpendicular to each other and overlap at one end.

  • Tape these ends together.

Raise your hand if you dream at night when you sleep. Who remembers a dream they have had recently? (Briefly share about a dream you’ve had.) Today’s Bible lesson includes a really crazy dream, so pay close attention so you don’t miss it. 

I have something really amazing to show you. This is a wonderful little toy called a Jacob's Ladder. It’s a toy that has been around for many, many years. Watch and see what it does. (Demonstrate the finished Jacob’s Ladder.) I told you it was amazing! Now this looks really complicated and I must confess that I don't understand exactly how it works, but you’re going to make one of these today as you learn about the Bible lesson. (Give each child the overlapped strips of paper.)

 This Jacob's Ladder got its name from a man in the Bible named Jacob. He had a dream about a ladder that reached up to heaven. Jacob started on a long journey to a town called Haran. (Demonstrate how to fold over the paper and have children do the same.) When Jacob reached a certain place, he stopped to spend the night. (Demonstrate how to fold over the paper and have children do the same.) Jacob took a large stone and rested his head on it and went to sleep. Does that sound like a comfortable pillow to you? Not me! (Demonstrate how to fold over the paper and have children do the same.) 

As he slept, Jacob had a dream.(Demonstrate how to fold over the paper and have children do the same.) In Jacob’s dream, there was a ladder that reached from the ground all the way up to heaven. (Demonstrate how to fold over the paper and have children do the same.) There were angels running up and down the ladder. (Demonstrate how to fold over the paper and have children do the same.) Jacob looked and saw God himself standing at the top of the ladder. (Demonstrate how to fold over the paper and have children do the same.) God spoke to Jacob and told him that He was going to bless him and his people and that He would watch over him and keep him wherever he went. (Demonstrate how to fold over the paper and have children do the same.) 

When Jacob woke up he said, "Surely the Lord is in this place." (Demonstrate how to fold over the paper and have children do the same.) Then Jacob took the stone he had used for a pillow and poured oil on it. He named the place Bethel, which means the house of the Lord. (Demonstrate how to fold over the paper and have children finish folding all the way.) 

(Give children a piece of tape for taping the top of their Jacob’s Ladder. Then have them pull the ends of the ladder to expand it.)

This is a wonderful story of how God blessed Jacob, but it is much more than that. It is also a picture of what Jesus has done for you and me. Jesus came down to earth to make a way for you and me to get to heaven. Jesus is the way, the only way, for us to get to heaven.

Dear God, thank You for providing a way for us to get to heaven. If there are some here today who have not found the way, we pray that they will find Your way today. In Jesus' name, amen.

Jacob's Ladder How-To Video
Jacob's Ladder (Paper Chain)