All Puffed Up
Memory Verse:
“For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” (Luke 14:11)
Bible Background
What Kids Will Learn
Instead of trying to impress others, we should not think too highly of ourselves. Our identity and value are determined by God—not by people.
Scripture Summary
Throughout His ministry, Jesus was invited into people’s homes to eat. Some invitations came from friends for the purpose of spending time together. Other invitations came from prominent leaders for conversation. But this time, Jesus was invited by a high-level Pharisee for the purposes of trapping Jesus. There was a man with dropsy (edema), and they questioned if Jesus could heal on the Sabbath, a time when all work was to cease. Of course, Jesus didn’t fall for the trap, and he healed the man.
Hospitality and meals were opportunities for social status to be seen and felt by all attendees. Similar to having VIP seats at a concert, there were seats reserved for important people at these meals. Jesus knew His followers and what was important to them. It felt good to sit at one of the VIP seats.
But Jesus warned others in attendance to never assume the best seats are for them. Instead of attempting to climb a social ladder, Jesus encouraged them to assume they would sit at a regular seat. Naturally, being invited to a better seat feels much better than being asked to move to a lesser seat.
When Jesus spoke, He intended His message for the host and the guests alike. The guests were not to seek places of honor; they were be humble and let the host decide where they should sit. And the host was not supposed to use a meal or banquet to better his or her own social status. Jesus said when the host invites family members and the best of the community, those people would in turn repay the host with another invitation. But if the host were to reach out to those less fortunate or those with a lower social status, God would reward the host.
Why Is This Important
In a world where most people are out for themselves, Jesus has a better way. When we think of ourselves less often, we leave room to consider others.
Teacher Devotion
“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.” (Ephesians 4:2)
When we focus on ourselves—what we think is fair or what we deserve—we miss an excellent opportunity to let God’s love flow through us. God lavishly pours His love over us. His love can stop with us, or His love can continue to bless others.
Instead of arguing with a store clerk demanding a refund, consider how the transaction feels from his or her perspective and begin with kindness.
Instead of letting dissatisfaction grow in your spirit because you’re not thanked for volunteering, consider those you serve and how you can make their day brighter.
Instead of bringing up a hurtful past offense over and over, consider asking God to change your heart toward that person who hurt you.
Every single person—including you and me—makes mistakes and hurts others. To God, there’s not one person who is more important or more valuable than another. As we navigate this world and bump into imperfect people, God calls us to be humble and gentle.
Take a moment to ponder your answers to these questions:
- Is there someone in your neighborhood, at work, or at church that you tend to avoid? Maybe there’s a hurtful interaction in your past. Pray for that person as he or she goes about the day. Ask God to work in your relationship with that person.
- What would it look like for you to offer a “better seat” to someone else, maybe letting your spouse drive the new car, giving up your seat in the church service, or allowing someone to go ahead of you at the checkout? How would that action make you feel?
Dear God, thank You that my identity rests in You alone. It doesn’t matter how much stuff or how many friends I have, I am Your beloved child. Please help me remind others that they are, too. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Bible Memory Verse
You’ll Need: Bible, Balloons, Slips of paper, Pen
Get Ready: Before class, write a word or phrase from today’s Bible verse on each slip of paper. Insert a slip of paper into each balloon and inflate it.
“For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble them- selves will be exalted.” (Luke 14:11)
Lead kids in these steps to learn today’s Bible memory verse:
- Open your Bible to Luke 14:11.
- Read the Bible memory verse several times and invite kids to repeat phrases after you.
- Explain that you have several balloons with pieces of today’s Bible memory verse tucked inside of them.
- Invite kids to pick a balloon.
- When everyone has a balloon, have kids pop the balloons, then work together as a class to put the slips of paper in the order of the verse.
- Play several rounds by mixing up the slips of paper and removing slips to make things more challenging.
SAY: Great job learning today’s Bible verse! Jesus warns us not to think too highly of ourselves, because it’s only through Him that we are able to do great things.
Interactive Bible Experience
You’ll Need: Bible, Variety of chairs, Long table
Get Ready: Before the activity, set up a long table with several different chairs around it, one for each child. Chairs should range from fancy and comfortable to folding chairs and step stools.
- Invite kids to choose a seat at the table.
- Open your Bible to Luke 14:7-11.
- Read aloud the passage, and invite kids to listen carefully to what is happening.
- Which are the most important seats at our table today? Why?
- What does it mean to be humble?
- Were you humble when you chose your seat at the table?
SAY: To be humble means we don’t think that we are better than other people. Jesus teaches us that one way to honor God with humility is to “sit in the lowest seat,” or give up what we may want the most, trusting that God will lift us up.
- Read the passage again.
- What’s one way you can be humble with your family or friends this week?
SAY: Today we’re learning that honoring God means to humble ourselves in all that we do. Being humble doesn’t mean we can’t be good at something or find success. Humility means we seek to serve others and the Lord, and our greatness comes from Him alone. Let’s learn more about that now.
Fruity Balloons
You’ll Need: Plates, Fruit Roll-Ups
Get Ready: Before the snack, have kids clean their hands.
Follow these steps for the “Fruity Balloons” snacks:
- Give each child a plate and a Fruit Roll-Ups snack.
- Invite kids to use their Fruit Roll-Ups to make a balloon shape. Encourage kids to use their imaginations. They can create a cluster of balloons, a hot-air balloon, or even a balloon animal.
- Enjoy!
- What are some ways you can humble yourself this week?
SAY: Being humble is honoring to God. Let’s give Him all the glory as we work, serve, and play.
Puff Puff Pass
You’ll Need: Large playing area, 5 to 7 balloons
Get Ready: Before the activity, inflate 5 to 7 balloons.
To play the “Puff Puff Pass” game, have kids follow these steps:
- Have kids spread out in a large circle.
- Start by giving one child a balloon. Kids will pass the balloon around the circle.
- As kids pass the first balloon, toss in a second balloon, then a third and fourth. Encourage kids to keep the balloons from touching the ground.
- Continue adding balloons until one touches the ground, then start over, working your way up to five or more balloons.
- Play several rounds as time allows.
- How was our game like what happens when we get “puffed up” or proud about something? ?
- What happens when our pride falls like the balloons did?
- How do you think Jesus wants us to respond when we are good at something or successful?
SAY: Jesus teaches us to be humble in all that we do so He can lift us up. Let’s go into this week remembering not to be proud of what we’ve accomplished, but to thank God for all He’s done through us.
Puffed-Up Pillows
You’ll Need: Light-colored felt sheets, Markers, Stapler, Poly-Fil stuffing
Lead kids in the following steps to make the “Puffed-Up Pillows” crafts:
- Give each child a felt sheet and set out markers to share.
- Invite kids to color and decorate one side of their felt sheet.
- Help kids fold their felt sheet in half and staple two of the three sides together, leaving an opening at the top.
- Have kids use Poly-Fil stuffing to “puff up” the inside of their felt pillows, then staple the third side together to complete the pillow.
SAY: Great job making your “Puffed-Up Pillows.” Take these crafts home as a reminder that Jesus teaches us not to think too highly of ourselves, but in everything to give glory to God for the ways He blesses us.
Prayers Against Pride
You’ll Need: Inflated balloon
Follow these steps to lead kids in prayer.
- Invite kids to sit in a close circle.
- Give one child a balloon to start. Whoever is holding the balloon will give thanks and praise to Jesus for something they’re able to do, a skill they’re gifted in, or something they could never do without God’s strength.
- Have kids pass the balloon until every child has shared and prayed.
- Close in prayer.
PRAY: Dear Jesus, thank You for teaching us to be humble. Help us not think too highly of ourselves and to give you honor and glory in all we do. In Your name, amen.