Run With Endurance
Memory Verse:
“Let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.” (Hebrews 12:1-2)
Bible Background
What Kids Will Learn
Following Jesus is the best way. However, there will be hard things along the way. Just like the brave men and women of the Bible, we can continue following Jesus.
Scripture Summary
The Jewish people loved history. They knew the Old Testament well and often reflected on the faithfulness of God. God’s way is best. But that doesn’t mean His way is easy or free from hardships. In fact, Christians are to expect persecution as they follow Christ.
When God delivered the Israelites from Egypt, the Egyptian army followed, threatening to kill the Israelites. Miraculously, God continued the deliverance by parting the Red Sea for the Israelites to cross on dry land. And the seas closed up on the Egyptian army, killing them (Exodus 14:21-31).
Similarly, God continued to show His faithfulness to Joshua as he overtook Jericho. The walls of the city fell simply by the Israelites marching around the city multiple times (Joshua 6), and Rahab was spared as she helped the spies (Joshua 6:22-25).
This passage includes numerous accounts of faithful men and women who followed God’s way. Many were victorious in their efforts; some were persecuted. All endured hardships and kept going.
People—Christians who have gone before us—are watching our lives. When we follow Jesus, we have an important job to do. We must hold on to Jesus. We also need to share Jesus with others along the way. God wants us to give up anything that distracts us from Him and His call on our lives.
Why Is This Important
We can’t believe the lie that everything goes well when you follow Christ. In fact, we’re to expect persecution. But that’s no reason to give up. Just like those who have gone before us, we can keep going with endurance.
Teacher Devotion
“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:11)
No one is intended to walk life’s journey alone. God created us to need Him and to need each other. I’m thankful (and daily humbled) that I can’t do this on my own.
I walked with a friend this morning. It’s not the first ( nor will it be the last) time. She and I realized early on in our friendship that we need each other. Through the years, we’ve seen each other through relationship troubles, work struggles, going back to school, parenting, fitness endeavors, and life’s exciting milestones as well.
This morning, my heart was heavy. I was struggling with a relationship that had become harder and harder to navigate. I poured my heart out to my friend. We knew each other well enough that I didn’t need a filter; I was free to share my heart and how it hurt—in excruciating detail.
My friend showed me Christ yet again this morning. She met me with grace as she listened to my words and pleas. When I spoke words of hurt, she returned words of encouragement and affirmation. She saw through the detailed circumstances and drew out what she saw I was doing right. And she offered a few ideas from her own journey.
This morning, my troubles didn’t miraculously go away, but my load seems a bit lighter. I feel loved. I feel heard. I know I’m seen. And I’m confident that I’m not alone.
Who has walked with you through a tough patch of your journey? And in the same way, who can you encourage today?
Dear God, thank You for creating me to need others. I am grateful for the godly friends who encourage me along the way. Please help me see others I can build up, too. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Bible Memory Verse
You’ll Need: Bible, “Run the Race” handouts, Scissors (for the teacher)
Get Ready: Before class, print two copies of the “Run the Race” handout, one for each group. Cut the memory verse cards, jumble them up, and create a set for each group.
“Let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.” (Hebrews 12:1-2)
Lead kids in these steps to learn today’s Bible memory verse:
- Open your Bible to Hebrews 12:1-2.
- Read the Bible memory verse several times, inviting kids to repeat phrases after you.
- Form two groups, and have kids line up at one end of the room.
- Place a set of Bible memory verse cards at the opposite end of the room for each team.
- Explain that kids are going to race to assemble today’s Bible memory verse.
- When you say go, the first member of each group will race to the opposite end of the room and grab one card to bring back to their group.
- Then the next person will race to the opposite end of the room and grab a card.
- As each member arrives back at the group, kids will race to put today’s Bible memory verse in the correct order.
- The first group to complete the verse wins.
- Play several rounds as time allows.
SAY: Great job learning today’s Bible verse! Today we’re learning how to run the race with endurance. Let’s learn more about that now.
Interactive Bible Experience
You’ll Need: Bible, “Jesus Optical Illusion” handout, Tape
Get Ready: Before class, print the “Jesus Optical Illusion” handout and tape it to a wall with blank space next to it.
- Open your Bible to Hebrews 11:29–12:2.
- Read aloud the passage and invite kids to listen for words that appear repeatedly.
- After reading the passage, have kids gather together at the center of the room.
- Invite kids to stare at the “Jesus Optical Illusion” handout for 30 seconds.
- When the time is up, have kids look immediately at the blank space on the wall and invite them to tell you what they see.
- What are some ways you can keep your eyes on Jesus?
- What are some things that might keep you from “running the race” well?
SAY: The Bible tells us to strip off everything that keeps us from serving the Lord and throw off the sin that trips us up. If we fix our eyes on Jesus, we’re going to keep our feet where they belong and stay on the right path. Let’s learn more about that now.
Gold Medal Snacks
You’ll Need: Plates, Napkins, Oreo cookies, Fruit by the Foot, Frosting, Plastic knife
Get Ready: Before the snack, have kids clean their hands.
Follow these steps for the “Gold Medal” snacks:
- Give each child a plate, a napkin, one Oreo cookie, and one Fruit by the Foot.
- Invite kids to twist their Oreo cookie until it separates into two round cookie halves.
- Have kids open their Fruit by the Foot and remove the paper backing.
- Invite kids to place both ends of the fruit strip onto the frosted side of the Oreo cookie so that it looks like a gold medal.
- Add a little bit of frosting to each child’s remaining cookie half and have kids sandwich the cookies back together to complete their gold medals.
- Invite kids to wear their gold medals.
- Enjoy!
- What is endurance?
- What are some ways you can seek Jesus with endurance?
SAY: Life is full of mountains and valleys, which is a lot like a difficult race to be run. When we fix our eyes on Jesus, we have the endurance to run hard and finish well. But instead of a gold medal or a plastic trophy, we get to spend eternity in heaven with Him!
Pace the Race
You’ll Need: Large playing area
To play the “Pace the Race” game, follow these steps:
- Have kids line up in a straight line.
- Explain that the class is going to run a race together. The first person in line will have to set the pace while everyone else follows and keeps up. As the class jogs together, the person at the back of the line will have to run past everyone else to become the lead runner who sets the pace for the group.
- Remind kids that just like the race that is living out our faith, this race is not about finishing first or fastest, but finishing together and well.
- Invite kids to start jogging.
- Once every child has had a chance to lead, the race is over.
- Play several rounds as time allows.
- How can you fix your eyes on Jesus this week?
- Who can help you in your race?
SAY: Life is full of mountaintop experiences and deep sorrowful valleys. We may struggle and face many obstacles in our race to follow Jesus, but we have a great crowd of witnesses who are cheering us on.
Keep Your Eyes on Jesus
You’ll Need: Plastic sunglasses, Card stock, Scissors, Markers, Glue sticks, Fine-tipped permanent marker
Have kids follow these steps to make the “Keep Your Eyes on Jesus” craft:
- Give each child a pair of sunglasses and a half-sheet of card stock.
- Invite kids to draw two eyes on their card stock and decorate the eyes using markers.
- Have kids cut out the eyes and glue them to their sunglasses. Invite kids to add eyebrows or noses as time allows.
- Use a fine-tipped permanent marker to write “Keep your eyes” on one arm of the sunglasses, then write “on Jesus” on the other arm.
SAY: Great job creating your sunglasses! Take these home as a reminder to keep your eyes on Jesus every day, in every season.
Prayers for the Race
You’ll Need: “Keep Your Eyes on Jesus” crafts
Follow these steps to lead kids in prayer.
- Invite kids to stand in a large circle.
- Remind kids that in today’s Bible passage, we’re reminded to keep our eyes on Jesus and run our race well.
- Invite kids to jog in place.
- Have kids stop running in place one at a time, put their sunglasses on, and pray out loud for strength and endurance to run the race well.
- Close in prayer.
PRAY: Dear Jesus, thank You for leaving Your seat in heaven to come to Earth and show us how to run the race. Help us keep our eyes on You and endure the race You’ve laid out for us. In Your name, amen.