
Junk Food Christians


Feed on the Word of God to become strong.


A variety of junk foods (candy, chips, cookies)


"Finally my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might" (Ephesians 6:10). "He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might, He increases strength" (Isaiah 40:29).

Do you see this bag? It is called "a brown bag." Now, a "brown bag" is what we used to take our lunch to school in when I was a boy. Hardly anyone had a fancy lunch box like children use today. Our mothers would save sacks from when she went to the store and use them as lunch bags. Kids who took their lunch to school in one of these bags were called "brown baggers." See my name on it? That was important, because every kid in school had a lunch bag just like mine.

Let's see what I have for lunch in my brown bag today. Here are some chips. Oh, and here are some cookies. Let's see what is a candy bar. Hey, do you think my mother would pack me a lunch like this? No way! This is all junk food! Do you know what would happen to me if I ate a steady diet of junk food like this? I would become weak and sickly because this junk food does not have the vitamins and nourishment needed to grow a strong, healthy body. Our bodies need the nourishment we get from meat, bread, fruits, and vegetables. No one can survive for very long on a junk food diet.

No one would think of feeding their body a steady diet of junk food. And yet, many people feed their minds with a steady diet of junk food every day. They feed it with TV, movies, comic books, magazines and other junk. They never give their minds the real nourishment that it needs to be strong and healthy. They never feed it with the Word of God. The Bible says that our strength comes from the Lord, and that comes to us through His Word.

Lord, help us to remember that just as our bodies can't survive on junk food, neither can our minds. Help us to remember that our strength comes from you, and that to learn about you, we need to feed on your Word. Amen.