Giving Our All Group
Group Activities

Interactive Group Activities
by Carol Williams

Sermon Title: "Giving Our All"

Scripture Reading: Mark 12:41-44

OFFERING RELAY: Divide children into 2 teams. One player from each team must go to the opposite side of the room and sit down with an offering plate. When the game begins, the team players will take turns running their money to the offering plate on their side of the team and then back for the next player to do the same. Have players sit down after completing their offering "run" and the first team to complete the "offering relay" is the winner. Play again if time allows and then have children sit in a circle and listen to the Bible story.

Use sidewalk chalk and make large squares with part of the Bible verse in each square (add crosses, hearts, church, etc in each square before classtime). Children can be given 5 pennies each and when they jump on a square, they can throw a penny to another square and the words of the verse will be taken away. Then children will try to say the Bible verse together and continue to play with a new jumper, etc.

GIFTED HEART: Give children supplies to wrap a small gift with ribbon and a bow. Give each child a foam or wooden heart to glue onto the top of the little gift and share the gift with the pastor or an older person. The gift could just be a written note of appreciation or a small piece of candy.

BUILD A CHURCH: Provide children with various sizes and colors of small pieces of construction paper to glue together on a sheet of paper, to form a church. Children could use toothpicks for a cross over the church and a shiny silver gum wrapper for the door, etc..... children will enjoy being creative. Explain to the children that one way our offerings are used is to help build churches and to make necessary repairs to our church buildings.

OFFERING CAN: Give each child a small can or box to cover with construction paper. Draw and decorate the construction paper and then tape to the container and encourage children to play loose monies into their offering can and give back to Jesus each week. Children will enjoy telling all the places that they might find loose change -- such as in their cars, under the couch cushions, etc.

BIBLE VERSE COINS: Before class time, draw coins on a piece of paper and make copies. Then write today's Bible verse for Mark 12:44b with a word on each coin. Give each child or team (depending on teacher's preference) an envelope with the Bible verse coins and let the child or teams put the coins in order and glue onto a cut out picture or drawing of a Bible.

PENNY JAR DROP: This game is played by letting the children drop pennies into a jar. The children will take turns kneeling on a chair and the penny jar will be at the back of the chair and pennies can be dropped into the jar. Give each child a chance to drop at least 5 pennies into the jar and see who gets the most pennies in the jar. If you wish, let the children keep the pennies to put into the SS or church offering.

PENNY GUESSING: Have a jar full of pennies (any size jar is fine) and see which child in the class can guess the correct number of pennies in the jar!! The child who guesses the closest to the correct number of pennies could get a small prize.

PENNY COOKIES: Give children a couple of round cookies and some frosting. Children can then use a toothpick to trace a 1c, or 5c, or 10c, on their cookie, while talking about how our money can be given and used for Jesus. Then children can enjoy eating their cookies.


ALTERNATIVE SONG ACTIVITY: Let the class work in two teams to make up words and a song about today's lesson -- using PENNIES, LOVE, JESUS, CHURCH, etc! The children will enjoy sharing their short song with the other group! Tape the children's voices on a CD if possible!

Song:  "Take My Life and Let It Be"

Words and Music


Song:  "Giving Him My All"

Words and Music


About Carol Williams
Carol and her husband have been in the ministry for over 35 years.  They have served churches in Illinois, Minnesota, Mississippi, Michigan, and Indiana.  Carol loves to work with children so you will find her teaching in Junior Church and children's Sunday School.  She also has clowning ministry in which she is known as Bubbles tc (the clown).
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