Sunshine Mountain Group
Group Activities

Interactive Group Activities

by Carol Williams and Charles Kirkpatrick

Sermon Title: "Sunshine Mountain"

scripture Reading: Mark 9:2-4

SUNSHINE MOUNTAIN ART: Children can be given a yellow paper to cut out a big SUN and black or brown paper to cut out mountains, as well as green paper to cut out trees to glue on the mountains and some cotton to glue at the top of the mountains for snow. Glue on the “Climb, climb up sunshine mountain” verses of our song today and sing the song together.

WHITE ROBE PIC: Give each child a bright white piece of paper or cloth to glue to a piece of black paper. Glue white glitter or sequins to the white robe and talk about JESUS being transfigured, and read the Bible verse together!!

COTTON CLOUDS: Children can be given some bright blue paper and markers and cotton. They can draw big clouds and write THIS IS MY SON WHOM I LOVE. Glue cotton around the edges of the cloud.

TEAM WALK: One child can be designated as the leader with a flashlight. As children HIDE, the flashlight leader will SHINE the light on someone he finds and then will continue to tag with the flashlight! The FINDING TEAM will have to hold hands and STAY CLOSE to each other as they hunt for more, just as we must stay close to JESUS and walk with HIM every day!

MOUNTAIN CLIMBING: If there is a hill nearby, let children take turns climbing the hill and bringing back an item at the top of the hill that the teacher has put in a basket at the top of the hill. If a hill is not available, perhaps children could climb a small ladder to the top for retrieving an item in the basket.

CHALK MOUNTAINS: Give each child a different color of chalk and let them take turns making one mountain on the chalkboard. Children may enjoy drawing Peter, James and John while the story is being told and add Elijah and Moses and Jesus later. This will cause the children to listen carefully to the story so they’ll know when to add the characters.

BLOCK OR CLAY MOUNTAINS: Let children build the mountains and the characters in today’s lesson and they can take turns telling the story as they build. Children can take turns reading the Bible verse from time to time and see how many can remember parts of the verse after the “building project”.

MOUNTAIN SNACKS: If time allows, let children build a mountain out of mini candy bars and other snacks, and then take turns getting a candy off the mountain to enjoy!

Song:  "Sunshine Mountain"

Words and Music (pdf) pdf

MP3 Accompaniment Track

This song is in the public domain and may be reproduced for ministry purposes.

About Carol Williams
Carol and her husband have been in the ministry for 35 years.  They have served churches in Illinois, Minnesota, Mississippi, Michigan, and for the last 14 years in Indiana.  Carol loves to work with children so you will find her teaching in Junior Church and children's Sunday School.  She also has clowning ministry in which she is known as Bubbles tc (the clown).
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