Theres A Great Day Coming Group
Group Activities

Interactive Group Activities
by Carol Williams

Sermon Title: "There's a Great Day Coming"

Scripture Reading: Mark 13:24-32

CLOUD RELAY: Divide children into teams and run a cloud relay. The CLOUDS can be a few pillows along their run for them to jump over to complete their run.

MUSICAL CLOUD CHAIRS: This can be played just like the normal musical chairs but when the music stops, whoever is having to sit on the PILLOW CLOUD is the one who is out. Continue to play as time allows. For extra fun, the children who are out could sit on cloud pillows on the side lines.

CLOUD MOBILES: Each child can be given supplies to make fluffy clouds to hang from a hanger around the room. Construction paper, markers, cotton balls and words from today's lesson will be needed.

PAPER PLATE CLOUDS: Provide the children with a paper plate and cotton balls to make a cloud. In the middle of the plate, the children can be encouraged to write words from today's lesson to encourage them to live their lives to be ready for Jesus' return!

CLASS CALENDAR: A large colorful poster board can be made and decorated into a class calendar with special events to prepare for Christ's coming. ....such as READ YOUR BIBLE DAY, SPECIAL DAYS OF PRAYER as children suggest, etc.

POCKET CALENDAR BOOKLET: Each child can be given small squares of construction paper to make into a small book. Markers and stickers can be used to decorate this calendar booklet for important days to remember as class discussion helps for these ideas.

CHALK CLOUDS: The teacher can call on children to draw a cloud on the Chalkboard and to write or draw a picture of some way that we can prepare for the Lord's coming. Continue to fill the chalkboard with clouds as time allows!


SHARE A SNACK: Tell children that if they know today's lesson, then they are "prepared" for today's snack. Ask each child a question from today's Bible story and then let them choose a cupcake snack. If the teacher desires, the children could PREPARE their own snack with frosting and sprinkles.

Song:  "What If It Were Today"

Words and Music (pdf)

MP3 Accompaniment Track

About Carol Williams
Carol and her husband have served churches in Illinois, Minnesota, Mississippi, Michigan, and Indiana.  Carol loves to work with children so you will find her teaching in Junior Church and children's Sunday School.  She also has clowning ministry in which she is known as Bubbles tc (the clown).
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