Father's Day Match Game
Just as we have a resemblance to our earthly fathers, we should also bear a resemblance to our Heavenly Father.
Several pairs of fathers and children from your congregation. You will need to plan ahead and make sure that the ones you plan to use will be there. Choose children who bear a very strong resemblance to their father. Choose someone from your congregation to help you who does not know any of the children. (Perhaps someone who is new to your congregation.)
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27 In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16
Since today is Father's Day, I thought it would be fun to play a Father's Day Match game. I have chosen several of you to help me with this game. When I call your name, please come and stand over here. (call the names of the children you have chosen.) Now, I want the fathers of these children to come up and stand behind one of these children, but don't stand behind your own child.
I have asked Ms. Jones to help me play this game. I chose her because she is new to our congregation and doesn't know any of you. Now, Ms. Jones, I want you to move these children around until you think you have each child standing in front of their real father. (Give your helper time to move the children around.)
Okay, Ms. Jones, do you think you have them lined up correctly? Do you want to make any changes? To see if we have the children matched up correctly, I am going to ask each of the fathers to give your child a great big hug! Wow! Look at that! Ms. Jones matched them up perfectly. (If not, you can explain that some of us don't look very much like our father.) Do you know how Ms. Jones was able to do that? It was because these children look so much like their fathers.
The Bible tells us that people should be able to look at us and tell that we are children of the Heavenly Father. The Bible says that we were created in the image of God. It also says that we should let our light shine so that others will see our good works and glorify our Father in heaven.
Ms. Jones might have had trouble matching some children with the right father, because some of us might not look much like our father. Some people might have trouble telling that God is our Heavenly Father, because we don't act much like Him! Let's ask God to help us to live our lives in such a way that people will be able to look at us and tell that we are children of the Heavenly Father.
Heavenly Father, help us to live so that others can tell by our lives that we are your children. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.