Dark And Stormy Night Group
Actividades del grupo

Interactive Group Activities
by Carol Williams

Sermon Title: "It Was a Dark and Stormy Night"

Scripture Reading:  Matthew 5:13-23

FLASHLIGHT SHINING: Before class time, the teacher can put words on the wall of a dark room. Give children flashlights to find words on the wall as the teacher recites the Bible verse for today. Then children can take turns flashing their light on the words in the correct order if they think they know the Bible verse, Matthew 5:16.

FLASHLIGHT RELAY: Children can be divided into teams and placed in a designated darker area to shine their flashlights on object called out by the teacher... such as "someone wearing blue pants", "or someone with red tennis shoes", or "a red ball", or a "stuffed animal", etc. One flashlight per team will work just fine if the flashlight is handed to the next team member for each object to find with the flashlight.

FLASHLIGHT FREEZING: Children can spread out in a designated darker room or area and can hop, skip, jump, "fly with arms out", etc until the teacher flashes the lights on and off and then children must FREEZE until all the lights go out again. Continue to play as time allows.

LAMPLIGHT QUESTIONS: The teacher can have a lamp on the class room table. Give children black squares of paper. The teacher will say words or phrases or Bible verses to the class and the children will decide if any of the words had to do with SIN. If they do, then the children can take turns taping a black square or circle on the lamp shade. Continue playing until all or most of the shade is darkened by the black construction paper. Let children know that when we don't let Jesus' light shine in and through us, it is much darker in the world.

SHINING STARS: Give children supplies to cut out traced stars and decorate with "glow in the dark" paint or gel pens. Hang several stars from each cap that has been given to the children to wear. Tape the hanging stars to the 'bill" of the cap and shut off the class room lights and see the shining stars hanging from the caps. Encourage children to be shining stars in our dark world by telling others about JESUS!!

SHINING STICKER CRAFT: Provide all the children with glow in the dark stickers to place on a round circle from construction paper. Children can write words from today's lesson or Bible verse on the circle and tape to the classroom door.

LITE BRITES: Bring in a Lite Brite game and let children work together in teams to write JESUS with the lite brites.

SHINING WANDS: Purchase inexpensive glow in the dark wands or bracelets and give to children in a darkened room to spell words from today's lesson in the air for other classmates to try and decide what word the player spelled with the glow in the dark wand. Let children find other ways to talk about today's lesson with their shining wands. All the wands could be laid on the floor to spell JESUS, etc, as well.

CANDLE CRAFT: Children can use empty toilet paper or paper towel rolls to cover with construction paper and cut out an orange or yellow flame to tape on top. Write today's Bible verse on the covered roll or other words from today's lesson, with markers or glow in the dark pens.

SHARE A SNACK: Give each child a large pretzel stick and some orange candy or yellow cheese. The pretzel is the candle and the cheese or orange candy can be stuck to the top as the flame.

SING A SONG: (If battery operated candles are available.. let children wave their candles or other lights while singing these songs). SHINE JESUS SHINE; JESUS WANTS ME FOR A SUNBEAM; GIVE ME OIL IN MY LAMP.


SHARE A SNACK: Give children a decorated cupcake or a frosted cookie, with a bright colored yellow lightbulb on top.

Song:  "This Little Light of Mine"

Words and Music (pdf)

MP3 Accompaniment Track (right click to save to your computer

This song is in the public domain and may be freely downloaded and reproduced for religious or educational use by churches, schools, home schoolers, and other non-profit organizations.

About Carol Williams
Carol and her husband have been in the ministry for 36 years.  They have served churches in Illinois, Minnesota, Mississippi, Michigan, and for the last 15 years in Indiana.  Carol loves to work with children so you will find her teaching in Junior Church and children's Sunday School.  She also has clowning ministry in which she is known as Bubbles tc (the clown).
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