Power In A Touch Group
Actividades del grupo
Interactive Group Activities by Carol Williams & Charles Kirkpatrick |
Sermon Title: "There Is Power in a Touch" Scripture Reading: Mark 5:25-34 |
WHO TOUCHED ME? GAME: Have the children sit in a circle. One child will sit in the middle and is blindfolded. The children will take turns as the teacher quietly points to someone to go to the child in the middle and TOUCH that child and quietly return to the circle. Remove the blindfold and let the child try to guess who TOUCHED him/her. If he guesses correctly, then that child goes to the middle to be blindfolded. TEACHER TOUCHES: Blindfold the teacher and let the children take turns touching the teacher and the teacher will have to guess what part of the child's body touched the teacher's back - such as a finger, a nose, an elbow, a toe, an ear, etc! POWER TOUCHES: Give the children wooden blocks, plastic bowling pin, dominoes or other items that the teacher may choose that can be easily knocked over by a TOUCH. Let one team pile up or line up some items and the other team will TOUCH them and knock them down! Switch teams and play again. Tell children to listen to the Bible story today and see what a TOUCH did in the story and the power that Jesus has! TOUCH RELAY: Divide the children into teams. The teacher or leader will tell the first person on each team to run to a paper bag, and with their eyes closed, find something smooth. The children will quickly find a SMOOTH item and run back to the team. Then the teacher will then tell the next team member to find something soft, or bumpy, or hard, or liquid. Continue to play the relay as time allows. HAND WREATH: Give the children supplies to trace their hands and cut out about 10 hands that have been traced. Color the hands and then glue them around the edges of a paper plate. The children can then write REACH OUT TO JESUS FOR POWER on the inside part of the plate and color the edges. Hang the plate by a ribbon at the top that is hole punched. HAND REACHING: Let the children trace and cut out several hands each and tape them to long narrow strips of poster board on the wall. Tape the hands wrist to wrist to finger tips until a long line of hands is formed. Write REACH OUT TO JESUS in large letters at the end of the line of hands! POWER PAPER: Have the children cut out block or balloon letters for the word P-0-W-E-R and glue the letters to a piece of construction paper. Have smallslips of yellow paper for children to glue onto the paper sticking out around the word POWER. The children can write JESUS HAS... around the piece of construction paper and display their power papers around the room. BIBLE VERSE PICTURE: Give the children a copy of today's Bible verse that is written or typed out, with a few of the KEY WORDS missing. Have the children fill in the missing words. The paper could already have the tracing outline of a woman so that children could glue on a piece of cloth to form her dress and some yarn as her hair and some other color of paper for her shoes. Around the edges of this Bible verse picture, the children could write "FEEL THE POWER OF JESUS IN YOUR LIFE." FAITH ART: Give the children bright colored markers and write the word FAITH in large block or bubble letters. Color around each letter several times with various colors of markers. Let children then write words representing things that faith produces such as peace, healing, power. Let the children put happy face stickers around their FAITH paper as well. FAITH GLITTERING: Print the word FAITH on a piece of paper and let apply some glue to the word and sprinkle colored glitter to it. Let it set for a little while and then gently shake off the excess glitter! The children can hang their FAITH art on their wall at home to remind them to reach out in faith and touch Jesus to receive his POWER!! SING A SONG: ONLY BELIEVE; JESUS HEALS THE BROKEN HEARTED POWER SNACK: Provide the children with a bottle of POWERade and a POWER bar. Or let the children reach into a snack bag and take the snack of thei choice. Song: "Only Believe" Words and Music (pdf) Song: "Jesus Heals the Broken Hearted" Words and Music (pdf) These songs are in the public domain and may be freely downloaded and reproduced for religious or educational use by churches, schools, home schoolers, and other non-profit organizations. |
About Carol Williams |
Carol and her husband have served churches in Illinois, Minnesota, Mississippi, Michigan, andIndiana. Carol loves to work with children so you will find her teaching in Junior Church and children's Sunday School. She also has clowning ministry in which she is known as Bubbles tc (the clown). |
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