Trusting Jesus Group
Actividades del grupo
Interactive Group Activities by Carol Williams |
Sermon Title: "Trusting Jesus" Scripture Reading: Mark 6:53-56 |
TRUST GAME: Let children get into groups of two and try to TRUST each other in making a wheelborrow and "wheel" each other around the room. This could also be done as a relay race if the teacher desires.
TRUST OBSTACLE COURSE: Divide the class into teams. Make an obstacle course and one player from each team will be blindfolded. The teams will coax their own player around the obstacle course and the players will have to TRUST their teammates to tell them where to walk and what to do. SHOUTIN' FUN: Divide the children into teams and have each team stand on opposite sides -- preferably OUTSIDE for a shoutin' good time. The first team will SHOUT --- WHO CAN WE TRUST? The other team can SHOUT back... JESUS!!!!! Continue for a few times and then have the teams change what words they shout. Let children sit down and discuss the lesson and answer or ask questions of each other to learn more about trust. TRUST STRING ART: Let children write TRUST JESUS on a large piece of paper. Glue colored string around the tracing of the words. Colored string can also be glued around the edge of the "ART" as a border. (Teacher can either buy colored string or dye the string in various colors before classtime.) TRUST IN JESUS BANNER: Before class, the teacher can cut out large letters to spell, T-R-U-S-T J-E-S-U-S and tape the letters in various places around the room. When the time is right after the lesson story, have the children find the letters and tape the COLORFUL letters in order to spell, TRUST JESUS. Let the class color and decorate the banner. TRUST BOOK: Give children supplies to make a small construction paper booklet, with various markers, stickers, cloth for clothing, etc and have children draw one picture of someone they can trust on each page. Make sure that the first page says JESUS and decorate that page to stand out the most in the booklets. BANDAID BIBLE VERSE: Give children a piece of paper to write the Bible verse on, or to fill in some missing words if the teacher desires. Give the children some colorful bandaids to decorate the Bible verse page with to remember our Bible verse today and how everyone was healed as they touched Jesus. CHEERIN' FOR TRUST: Let children write a poem or a cheer to remind them to TRUST. Ex: WHO DO WE TRUST, WHO DO WE TRUST, WHO DO WE TRUST, TRUSTING IS A MUST! WE'LL TRUST IN JESUS, LOVING IS THE KEY, WE'LL TRUST IN JESUS, ON OUR BENDED KNEE, etc. TRUST COIN: Let children cut out a small round circle and color a gold color. Write in tiny letters, IN GOD WE TRUST, and cover with a little piece of saran wrap or laminating material. Tell children to keep their TRUST COIN in their wallets or in their Bibles to remember WHO to Trust all the time! SING A SONG: Trust and Obey, or Trust in the Lord with all your Heart TRUST SNACK TIME: Divide children into groups of two. Let children feed each other while blindfolded with a cupcake or a cookie, etc, for their snack, if time allows! Song: "Trust and Obey" This song is in the public domain and may be freely downloaded and reproduced for religious or educational use by churches, schools, home schoolers, and other non-profit organizations. |
About Carol Williams |
Carol and her husband have been in the ministry for 35 years. They have served churches in Illinois, Minnesota, Mississippi, Michigan, and for the last 14 years in Indiana. Carol loves to work with children so you will find her teaching in Junior Church and children's Sunday School. She also has clowning ministry in which she is known as Bubbles tc (the clown). |
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