
Commitment to Prayer


New Year’s Commitment to Prayer


Sticky notes


Lamentations 3:22-23 “His love for us never fails. It is new every morning. Great is his faithfulness.”

Good morning! What a beautiful new day we have been given! Let me ask you a question. Who gives us each new day?

I have a stack of sticky notes here this morning. Does your mother sometimes use them to remind herself to do something? I sometimes call myself the sticky note queen. I can’t function without them.

Just how many do you think are in this stack? 365- I know because I counted them. So there are 365 sticky notes here. Just by chance, can you guess how many days are in a year? 365! You are so smart.

So God gives us 365 days a year. Every morning he gives us one. Here’s one for you… and you… (hand out notes). What a gift!

In Lamentations 3 the Bible says God gives us something else each morning, too. It says: “His love for us never fails- it is new every morning. Great is his faithfulness.”

If God gives us something every morning- a new day and his love- let’s make a COMMITMENT- a promise- to give him something each morning as well.

This is the challenge: Before you get out of bed, before your foot touches the carpet, have a conversation with God thanking him for the new day. It can be short. “Good morning God. Thank you for being with me!” Let your foot be your reminder. We can lose a stocky note, but we can’t lose our foot! Get your day started off right. Start off on the right foot so to speak.

This is an exercise we can practice together. Stand up tall. Do what I do. FOOT OVER.(step one foot over) PRAYER UP. (point up.) Foot Over, Prayer UP.

Let this be our commitment- our promise for the New Year. God is faithful to remember us. He doesn’t even need sticky notes. Let’s be faithful to our commitment to remember him.

Dear God: Thank you for each new day. Help us to start each day with you.