
Free Indeed - 4th of July


The price for our freedom has been paid.


An American flag


John 8:31-38

Children's Sermon: Free Indeed - 4th of July (John 8:31-38)

Can anyone tell me what this is? (Hold up the flag and pause for response.) That’s right, it’s an American flag. The flag reminds me that this week we will celebrate Independence Day, or the 4th of July. Do you know why Independence Day is so important? (Pause for response.) It’s a day to reflect and celebrate our country’s freedom.

In our country we enjoy a lot of freedom. We are free to come to church and worship. We are free to choose what we want to be when we grow up. We are free to choose where we want to live, what we want to eat, and all sorts of other things every single day.

The Bible says we are free simply because Jesus says we are. “Who the Son sets free, is free indeed.” We were once sinners, but God brought us into His family and said we are free at last. It didn’t cost us anything, but it cost Jesus everything.

The penalty for sin is death, but you and I have been set free from this penalty. We no longer have to pay for our sins with death because Jesus paid the penalty for us. Instead of death, we have been given the gift of eternal life. This gift and our freedom wasn’t free. It cost Jesus His life on the cross.

This week as we celebrate Independence Day, let’s remember to stop and thank God for the freedom we have living in the United States. But more importantly, let’s remember to thank God for Jesus, who has set us free from paying the price for our sin, because He was willing to pay the price.

Dear God, thank you for the freedom we enjoy in our country. We thank you for the freedom we have because Jesus was willing to pay the price for our sin. Amen.