
Whose Birthday Is It?


The true meaning of christmas.


None is needed.


She will bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins." Matthew 1:21

Have any of you ever had a birthday? Of course you have!!!! Did you ever have a birthday party?? Of course you have!!!

Well, I’m going to tell you about a little boy who had a birthday coming up. Everyone was so excited about his birthday. They all went out weeks ahead of time and bought lots and lots of presents and wrapped them up so pretty. They even decorated their houses and sent lots of cards out to each other. They put trees in their houses and hung lights outside. And everyone was so nice to each other – all because it was his birthday!!!

Then the big day came, and he expected lots of people to show up and celebrate with him. But do you know what happened? Only a few people showed up. What happened to all the other people? They were too busy having parties with each other and giving presents to each other that they didn’t have time to go to the little boy’s house and celebrate with him!!!

Well, the story I just told you isn’t really about a little boy, although he was a little boy at one time. The story is about Jesus. His birthday is coming up, isn’t it?? And I think He is really happy that we all celebrate and show our love for Him by giving presents to each other and having parties. Jesus liked celebrations. But the sad part is some people don’t even know who Jesus is! They are celebrating His birthday and don’t bother coming to church on Christmas eve to celebrate with Him and to thank Him for coming to earth so that we can go to heaven.

Wouldn’t you be sad if everyone celebrated your birthday with each other and left you out??

What kind of gift can you give Jesus for His birthday? You can give Him the gift of thanking Him and telling Him how much you love Him. There are lots of things you can do – but I think the most important one is telling someone about Jesus who doesn’t know Him.

So have a wonderful time celebrating Christmas, but don’t forget to celebrate with Jesus, too – it is HIS birthday!!!

Prayer: Father, we thank you for sending Jesus to earth so that we can go to Heaven and live with you forever. Forgive us when we forget Who's birthday it is. Help us to share Him and His love with other people. Amen.