Measuring God's Love
Group Activities
Sermon Title: "Measuring God's Love"
Scripture Reading: John 3:14-17
Give each child a measuring cup to keep, for them to take home to tell this story to others. Children can tape a typed-out Bible verse of Ps 23:1, 5 onto their measuring cup.
Give each child a real inexpensive tape measure to take home and a LONG strip of paper with the Bible verse typed out (Ps 108:4), for children to tape onto their tape measure to share our lesson today.
Give each child a round piece of paper and supplies to draw their clock. Use a brad to hold the cut out hands in place. Have children write out Ps 103:17 around the outside edge of their clock, or in the middle of the clock. GOD'S LOVE LASTS FOREVER!
Give the children a piece of paper about 6 - 8 inches long and 2 inches wide, as well as markers, stickers and glitter glue to draw a CROSS in the middle of the book marker. Write John 3:16.
The teacher can use creativity on how to make the BIGGEST HEART that the children have ever seen! This could be done by using an entire wall and forming a ROOM SIZE heart with red tape, or the teacher could use 2 or 3 pieces of red poster board to cut out the biggest red heart that has ever been seen by the children! As children come in to their classroom, discussion can be about how long and deep and wide God's LOVE is and that GOD's love is from everlasting to everlasting! Children could then take turns drawing hearts all over the GIANT heart, or using heart stickers to decorate their BIG heart!
Give each child a large red construction-paper HEART and a cut out black cross from cons. paper. Let child tape or glue the cross onto the red heart and write John 3:16 on the poster!
This would be a very exciting project for the children if the teacher can find a ROLL of paper from a printing plant, book factory, etc. Find a very LONG aisle in the church, etc for the children to ROLL out the paper for as long a BANNER as possible! Let children write Eph 3:18-19 on the ROLLED out BANNER and make colorful BIG letters for 'WIDE', 'LONG', 'HIGH', and 'DEEP' is GOD"S LOVE FOR ME! This very LONG banner is fun to hang along a hallway wall for children to enjoy for a couple of weeks!
Let the children stand in a HEART SHAPE, holding hands and take turns to THANK GOD for His LOVE that is from everlasting to everlasting. After In Jesus Name, Amen - have children sing or say JOHN 3:16!
Divide the children into teams. Each team will be given a ruler and a list of 5 things to measure. As soon as the team has all 5 items measured, they will return to their team line and sit, so that the teacher knows that they are done. Object to measure can be a table, a light switch, a Bible, a pencil and a window or door. The first team who returns to their team line first with the CORRECT answers will be the winner. All team answers must be checked before they can be declared a winning team.
Divide the children into teams. The teams will line up next to each other. Each teammate will take turns running to the other side of the room and getting a ruler on the table, measure their shoe, quickly write down the inches on a piece of team paper on the table and RUN back to the team for the next player to do the same until all players have written down their shoe measurement. Then the first player will run back up quickly and ADD up all the numbers for the final count. If possible, the teacher can make "note" of each team for being special - either for getting finished first, or having the longest shoes, or the shortest shoes, etc.
Divide the children into teams. Each team will be given a ruler and a list of 5 things to measure. As soon as the team has all 5 items measured, they will return to their team line and sit, so that the teacher knows that they are done. Object to measure can be a table, a light switch, a Bible, a pencil and a window or door. The first team who returns to their team line first with the CORRECT answers will be the winner. All team answers must be checked before they can be declared a winning team.
Children will be divided into teams. The teams will line up next to each other. Each teammate will take turns running to the other side of the room and getting a ruler on the table, measure their shoe, quickly write down the inches on a piece of team paper on the table and RUN back to the team for the next player to do the same until all players have written down their shoe measurement. Then the first player will run back up quickly and ADD up all the numbers for the final count. If possible, the teacher can make "note" of each team for being special - either for getting finished first, or having the longest shoes, or the shortest shoes, etc.
Let each team measure each team mate and one runner from each team and run to their own poster board and write the height of each player. At the end, add all the heights together and see who has the tallest team.
Let the children find a large designated area if the class is large, and stand together in ONE LINE... with arms outstretched and only finger tips touching each and then the teacher or another leader can measure the distance from one end to the other of children. REMIND children to always measure GOD'S LOVE for them.
Give the children a little heart shaped chocolate candy or a heart shaped cookie. If time allows, children could frost and decorate their heart shaped cookie, with sprinkles!! ALL kids love sprinkles!
Song: "Jesus Is My Best Friend"
Words and Music (pdf)
MP3 Demo Track (right click to save to your computer)
This song is provided through the courtesty of Cynthia Jordan and is on the "Kids for Kids - 25 Sunday School Songs" CD. To listen to all of the songs or to purchase the CD from which this song is taken, click here.
Song: "Jesus Loves the Little Children"
Music and Lyrics (pdf)
MP3 Piano accompaniment Track (right click to save to your computer)
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