Are You Ready for Chrismas?
Actividades del grupo

Sermon Title: "Are You Ready for Christmas?"

Scripture Reading: Luke 3:1-6


When the children arrive, the class room will be totally UNPREPARED for class. (Chairs scattered around the room, tables in the wrong place, clock set to the wrong time, etc.) The teacher will apologize to the students that the class room was not ready when they arrived and will begin to straighten the room and invite the children to help. When the room is READY, the teacher will explain to the children that just as we needed to PREPARE OUR CLASSROOM, John the Baptist preached that the people needed to "PREPARE THE WAY" for the coming of Jesus. The kids will really enjoy the fun of putting things back together as they make things "straight"!


your room for Christmas and keeping the focus on CHRIST could continue if the teacher wants to continue the above "example" of preparing!


: The teacher will provide a sheet of green construction paper for each child. The children will cut at an angle from the bottom corners to the middle at the top of sheet to form a GREEN Christmas tree triangle. They will then draw a light line from side to side of tree to resemble garland or lights. The children will then write along one of the lines: CHRISTMAS IS CHRIST COMING, or something similar.


Have some Christmas cards available for kids to cut the manger scene out and tape or paste it on red construction paper. The teacher can the children write CHRIST OF CHRISTMAS on the poster..... or the teacher could have those words printed off for younger children to paste on their poster under the Christmas card picture.


Have the children color the Legend of the Candy Cane poem coloring page. (Click Here). Remind the children to color the border on the coloring page with alternating red and white stripes to match the candy cane. The children will then be encouraged to give the coloring page along with a candy cane and explain the Legend of the Candy Cane to a friend.


Give each child a peppermint candy cane with a tag tied to it that says "Jesus - The Good Shepherd". Tell the children that when they see a candy cane during the Christmas season that it should remind them that the Christ of Christmas is the Good Shepherd.

Song: "Prepare the Way of the Lord " by Charles Kirkpatrick

Music and Lyrics PDF

Piano Accompaniment MP3 (Introduction and two verses)