
King for a Day


Is Jesus your "King for a Day" or the Lord of our life?


A crown labeled "Student of the Day"


Those who went ahead and those who followed shouted, "Hosanna!" "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" Mark 11:9 (NIV)

I'm sure you all know what this is. (Hold up the crown.) It is a crown. I have seen many school teachers use a crown similar to this one. When a student celebrates his or her birthday, that student gets to wear a crown that says, "Student of the Day." Being the "Student of the Day" brings a lot of special privileges with it. For example, you get to be first in line everywhere the class goes during the day. You get to lead the class to recess, to the library, to gym class, and to music. You even get to be first in line to eat lunch in the cafeteria. The "Student of the Day" also gets to do special things such as taking the attendance folder to the office. It is really a good feeling to be the "Student of the Day" because all of the other students look up to you and wish they were able to do the things you are doing. All of the students in the class look forward to the day when they get to wear the crown. There is only one bad thing about being the "Student of the Day" — it only lasts for one day.

That reminds me of something that took place in the city of Jerusalem about 2000 years ago. A king was visiting the city. People lined the streets hoping to get to see the King. The King came riding on a small donkey, and as he rode through the streets of the city, some people spread their cloaks on the road and others waved palm branches and shouted, "Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest heaven!"

I'm sure you know who that King was — it was Jesus. Today we remember the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem and the people cheering and waving palm branches. They greeted Jesus as their king. The only problem was that it didn't last. He was only their "King for a Day." Later that same week Jesus was arrested, beaten, tried, and crucified. Many of the same people who had cheered him on Sunday turned against him. Now he wore a crown, but it was a crown of thorns.

The Bible tells us that one day every knee will bow and ever tongue confess that Jesus Christ Lord to the glory of God the Father. (Philippians 2:9-11) Why wait? Why not confess that Jesus is Lord today? Jesus wants to be the ruler and Lord of your life. He doesn't want to be your "King for a Day," he wants to be your "Forever King."

Father, we are sometimes quick to say, "Jesus is Lord," but slow to show it in our lives. Help us to be faithful followers. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.