
God Forgives Our Sin


Forgiveness of sin


A pencil with an eraser


Isaiah 6:1-8

What is this? Do you use a pencil? Ever make a mistake? How do you fix it?{ Eraser.) Did you ever do something or say something bad to someone that you wish you could take back? Wouldn't it be nice if you could erase it and make it go away? Today's Bible lesson is about a man named Isaiah. He lived a long, long time ago -way before Jesus lived.

One day God appeared to Isaiah. Isaiah said: "I am ruined. For I am a man of unclean lips and I live among a people of unclean lips and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty." Isaiah had made lots of mistakes and he was afraid because of seeing God.

Then a creature called a seraphim flew to him and took a hot coal from the altar and \( touched it to Isaiah's lips. God said "your sin is taken away" {like being erased}. Then God asked for Isaiah to help him and Isaiah said "Here am I. Send me." And he became God's helper.

Remember this happened long, long ago. Who do you know today that can erase your mistakes? (Jesus)

Dear God, Thank you for sending Isaiah to help you long arui and thank you for sending Jesus to help us today. In your name we pray, Amen.