Teach Us To Pray Group
Actividades del grupo

Interactive Group Activities
by Carol Williams & Charles Kirkpatrick

Sermon Title: "Teach Us to Pray"

Scripture Reading: Luke 11:1-4

BREAD HUNT: Divide the children into teams. Have the children hunt for pictures of bread and return them to a drawn-bread basket on the wall! See which team can find the most pictures of bread in the allotted time!

ARM IN ARM: Have the children stand in a designated area. One child will be chosen to run to another child and lock arms. Those two children will run to another child and lock arms. This will continue until all the children have their arms locked together. Tell children that they are Jesus' disciples and are TOGETHER in prayer just as the disciples in Jesus' day.

MARCHING PRAYER WARRIORS: Encourage the children to MARCH in time with the music that the teacher plays and to MARCH against TEMPTATION—with strength and determination! Tell the children to stop when the music stops and everyone shout together, "SAY NO TO TEMPTATION," or "MARCH AGAINST TEMPTATION!" Continue as long as time allows. Choose songs with a MARCHING beat.

BREAD BULLETIN BOARD: (This can be done on a bulletin board or a large poster board.) Give each child a cut out of a large piece of bread and write words from today's lesson, or words from the model prayer. Decorate the bulletin board or poster board with stickers that the children choose to enhance the Lord's Prayer (hearts, crosses, happy faces, etc).

TELEPHONE CIRCLE: The children will form a large circle. Choose one child to begin the circle telephone prayer. Each child will whisper a prayer request (person or activity, etc) into the next child's ear. The children will continue around the circle whispering a prayer request to each other. This could also be done as just ONE prayer request to go around the entire circle, and then another prayer for each time around the circle, as desired.

COUNTING: Have the children gather on a rug and take turns COUNTING, to see how fast and how many numbers they can count within a certain time limit. Let children know that this represents the number of times we are tempted each week, so we need to PRAY!

PRAYER BANNER: Provide the children with a long piece of butcher paper - decorate the edges and color with various colors of crayons. Children can then write words together of the model prayer from today's lesson and hang this in a focal point in the church or classroom. Make sure to use neon or brightly colored markers for the main words of the PRAYER!

PRAYER PLACE MATS: Give each child a piece of construction paper, markers and stickers. The children will write words from the model prayer or from today's lesson about prayer and decorate their place mat. When children have completed their "mats", they can be covered with clear contact paper, and taken home to place on their kitchen table.

BREAD BASKET: Give the children a piece of construction paper to make into a basket. First cut an inch edge off the paper that will be used for the handle of the basket. Each corner of the paper will have a slit cut at an angle and then lapped over each other and taped. The deeper the slit cut is the deeper the basket will be. Tape the handle onto the basket and place a copy of the model prayer into the basket (the teacher should prepare these ahead of time) and let children choose a bread roll to place in their basket as well. Each bread roll can be wrapped in cling free wrap before class time.


SHARE A SNACK: PBJ sandwiches, or peanut butter cookies. (Allergy cautions.)

Song: "Whisper a Prayer"

Words and Music (PDF)

Piano Accompaniment (mp3)

About Carol Williams
Carol and her husband have served churches in Illinois, Minnesota, Mississippi, Michigan, and Indiana.  Carol loves to work with children so you will find her teaching in Junior Church and children's Sunday School.  She also has clowning ministry in which she is known as Bubbles tc (the clown).
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