Yes or No? Parable of Two Sons (Matthew 21:28-32) Trivia
Use this 3 minute “Yes or No?” countdown video quiz to mark the start of your service, game, or transition. The quiz focuses on questions related to Matthew 21:28-32. It teaches about the parable of two sons and obedience vs. disobedience.
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Quiz questions:
1. In Jesus’ parable (Matthew 21:28-32), how did the first son respond when his father asked him to work in the vineyard?
A. He argued B. He refused C. He agreed
2. After refusing to work in the vineyard, what did the first son do?
A. He relaxed B. He worked C. He cried
3. What did the first son do with his actions?
A. Obey B. Disobey C. Cry
4. What did Jesus explain about obedience?
A. It is enough B. It is not enough C. It is essential
5. How did the second son respond when his father asked him to work in the vineyard?
A. He agreed B. He refused C. He danced
6. After agreeing to work in the vineyard, what did the second son do?
A. He didn’t go B. He worked C. He cried
7. What did the second son do with his actions?
A. Laugh B. Disobey C. Obey
8. Which of the two did what his father wanted?
A. The first son B. The second son C. Both
9. What were the two sons asked to do?
A. Pray B. Play C. Work
10. Who does Jesus say will enter the kingdom of God first?
A. John B. The Pharisees C. The tax collectors and the prostitutes
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