Case Of The Empty Tomb Group
Actividades del grupo

Interactive Group Activities
by Carol Williams & Charles Kirkpatrick

Sermon Title: "The Case of the Empty Tomb"

Scripture Reading:  John 20:1-18

STONE ROLLING: If the teacher can find a couple of large stones that are hard to roll, the class can have a relay or take turns in trying to ROLL that large stone or rock. Tell the children that they will hear about a large stone being rolled away, in today's Bible lesson.

SCAVENGER HUNT: Let the children hunt for items that might have something to do with today's story and Jesus' resurrection such as a stone, linen, cloth, and picture of an empty tomb. After the children have found all the items that the teacher gives them to find, let the children hold up their item as the Resurrection Story is told.

JESUS LIVES LETTERS: Have the children search for cut out letters for J-E-S-U-S L-I-V-E-S that are hidden around the room. The children will bring the brightly colored letters back to their table and add glitter glue for decoration and glue the letters in the correct order on a poster board.

TOMB PAINTING: Let the children PAINT a picture of a tomb on a piece of construction paper with grass and clouds, etc around the tomb. Paint HE LIVES above the tomb art.

CROSS BOOK MARKERS: Give the children supplies to draw and cut out a cross from card stock. Decorate it with stickers and colored markers to make a book marker. Write I HAVE SEEN THE LORD, or JESUS LIVES on the cross. Add a ribbon put through a hole at the top of the cross.

PLAY ACTING: Let the children play act the resurrection story as told in today's lesson. Designate children to play the roles of angels, Mary, disciples, Peter, John, and the gardener. Place a sheet over a table to be the empty tomb that the children can crawl into as they go under the table. Let the children take turns telling parts of the story while the other children act out today's story.

MYSTERY SNACKS: Give each child an empty toilet paper roll to fill with small candies (M&Ms, jelly beans, etc.) and then write and decorate a small card with stickers and words from today's lesson. Place the card and candy inside the toilet paper roll, wrap it with tissue paper or wrapping paper and tie each end with a ribbon. Encourage the children to give their mystery snack to another person outside the class. Then the teacher can surprise the children with a treat of cross-shaped cookies that the teacher has prepared ahead of time!


Song:  "He Is Lord"

Words and Music (pdf)

MP3 Accompaniment Track

Song:  "He Lives"

Words and Music (pdf)

MP3 Accompaniment Track

About Carol Williams
Carol and her husband have served churches in Illinois, Minnesota, Mississippi, Michigan, and Indiana.  Carol loves to work with children so you will find her teaching in Junior Church and children's Sunday School.  She also has clowning ministry in which she is known as Bubbles tc (the clown).
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