Weve Got The Spirit Group
Actividades del grupo

Interactive Group Activities
by Carol Williams & Charles Kirkpatrick

Sermon Title: "We've Got the Spirit"

Scripture Reading:  Acts 2:1-21

BALLOON FILLING: Give each child a balloon. The children will blow up their balloon and hold it tight until all of the balloons have been filled. When all of the children have filled their balloons, the teacher will give a signal and ALL balloons can be let go to FLY all around the room. Explain to the children that on Pentecost, the followers of Jesus heard the sound of a mighty rushing wind.

HOLY SPIRIT SHAKER: Give each child can be given a small plastic water bottle to be filled with popcorn kernels, rice, or dried beans. Use markers to decorate the bottle with words from today's lesson. Orange and red strips of tissue paper may be glued or taped to the bottom of the bottle to represent flames. The children can shake their bottles as they run a race together.

HOLY SPIRIT PINWHEEL: Let the children make a simple pinwheel using the template provided. After the pinwheel is completed, let children run and watch their pinwheel move with the wind - or place them in front of a fan. Discuss the fact that even though they can't SEE the wind, they know it is there because they see the pinwheel moving. Compare that to the Holy Spirit moving in our life. (Simple Pinwheel Template)

FLAME KITE: Provide the children with orange and red construction paper on which they may draw or trace and cut out flames to place on kite shaped cut out made of poster board. This can be a group activity as children add the flames, the string and words from today's lesson about Pentecost! Hang the kite in the class room.

PENTECOSTAL POWER POSTER: Using large cut out letters, tape letters spelling HOLY SPIRIT on a poster. Let the children decorate the poster with words from today's lesson and add pictures or stickers for a more exciting poster to be remembered!

POWER SNACK: FRUIT (of the spirit) snack! Cut up bite-sized pieces of many types of colorful fruit. (strawberries, grapes, kiwi, oranges, cantaloupe, honey dew, etc.)

Song:  "I've Got the Holy Spirit in My Heart"

Words and Music (pdf)

MP3 Accompaniment Track

Song:  "Spirit of the Living God"

Words and Music (pdf)

MP3 Accompaniment Track

Song:  "Breathe on Me, Breath of God"

Words and Music (pdf)

MP3 Accompaniment Track

About Carol Williams
Carol and her husband have served churches in Illinois, Minnesota, Mississippi, Michigan, and Indiana.  Carol loves to work with children so you will find her teaching in Junior Church and children's Sunday School.  She also has clowning ministry in which she is known as Bubbles tc (the clown).
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