
We Work Hard


God wants us to work hard.


An inflatable pool toy, Sunglasses without lenses, An old towel with a huge hole in it, A Bible


2 Thessalonians 3:6-13

Children's Sermon: We Work Hard (2 Thessalonians 3:6-13)

I’m thinking about going to the pool today! (Hold up the deflated pool toy.) I’m bringing this pool toy. The only thing is, it doesn’t inflate. Do you think that’s a problem? (Pause for responses.) 

Yeah. (Show how floppy it is not inflated.) This toy has two jobs. One is to be fun in the water and two is to help me float. Hmm. Do you think it’s worth bringing? (Pause for kids to respond and explain their responses.) 

When it’s not inflated, the pool toy won’t do its job. It’s useless. So I guess there’s no point in bringing it. Say, can I get your advice about a couple other things I was going to bring? (Show the towel and sunglasses.) 

 I thought I’d need a towel to dry off with and some sunglasses to protect my eyes. What do you think, are these things useful? (Pause for responses.)

 I think I need to get some new stuff for the pool. I don’t have a useful toy, I’m going to be cold and wet without a useful towel, and my sunglasses aren’t going to shade my eyes at all.

 (Show the Bible.) This reminds me of something in the Bible. A man named Paul wrote a letter to some of Jesus’ followers called the Thessalonians. We can find his letter in the Bible, and it tells us that God wants us to be useful. Think about it this way. My job with you is to plan great lessons and fun games and activities, but if I didn’t work hard, kind of like the deflated pool toy, broken sunglasses, and torn towel, I wouldn’t be very good at my job and I wouldn’t be helping you. 

Ask kids:  

What difference does it make to you if I work hard at my job?

What’s something you work hard at to help others?

God wants me to work hard, and not just at church. God wants all of us to work hard at whatever we do—even kids.

Ask kids:  

Tell about a time you didn’t work hard at something.

Explain whether you think it makes a difference to work hard at everything we do.

When we work hard, we help others. It isn’t always easy to work hard, and sometimes we can be lazy. But God wants us to work hard. We help our families keep our homes running when we work hard. Listen to this.

Read 2 Thessalonians 3:11-12: “We hear that some people in your group refuse to work. They do nothing. And they busy themselves in other people’s lives. We command those people to work quietly and earn their own food. In the Lord Jesus Christ we beg them to do this.”

Wow! This is pretty serious! God says that we do our work quietly—that means without complaining or arguing. Let’s remember not to complain or argue this week when we work at home to help our families.

 The Bible says, “Brothers and sisters, never become tired of doing good.” 

 Let’s use this verse as our prayer today.

 God, please help us never become tired of doing good. In Jesus’ name, amen.