Go Fish Group
Actividades del grupo
Interactive Group Activities by Carol Williams |
Sermon Title: "Go Fish!" Scripture Reading: Luke 5:1-11 |
GO FISHING RELAY: Put a pail for each team with some cut out fish next to the pail. Divide the class into teams and run a relay of each member running to the pails and putting one fish in the pail and running back to the team for the next player to continue the game. Continue until everyone on the team has put a fish in the pail.
GO FISH: Have a real fishing pole available or a string with a magnet on the end of the string and attached to a dowel rod, etc. Hang the fishing line over the back of a chair while a child kneels on the chair and tries to catch a fish in the bucket that has a paper clip on it to attach to the magnet. Each fish will have a word from today's lesson for the children to read as they catch their fish. Let all children have a chance to FISH for the lesson words! Children can show these words during the story time today and tape on a poster board that is shaped like a fish on the classroom wall. FISH ART: Draw the outline of a fish (with a wide table) and let children cut it out and punch holes around the edges of the fish. Give children some yarn to thread in and out of the fish holes and hang from a hanger or on the classroom wall or fish can be hung to a door knob. Let children color their fish if desired. STRING OF FISH: Give children fish shaped cut outs from construction paper to color and decorate and then write words from today's lesson on each fish and tie together with a punched hole in the fish's mouths and let children carry that "string of fish" home with them to remember today's lesson. (Words can be TRUST JESUS, DON'T BE AFRAID, FISH FOR PEOPLE, etc). MATCHING FISH: Let each child take two matching cards or squares of construction paper and draw matching fish (trying to make each fish card look identical). Then mix the cards up from all the children and spread around on the floor. Let the children take turns in finding matching cards and as each child finds a MATCH, encourage that child to tell one way to FISH for people (such as bring them to church, pray for someone, send them a card, give them a Bible, give them a Bible verse card, etc). FISH STAMPING: Let children put some finger prints sideways on a piece of paper that has been colored blue and waves can be added to the blue water. Children can then add the fish tail and the fish lips and gills, etc to their finger printed fish. Write a title for FISH FOR PEOPLE, etc. FISH FOR PEOPLE BANNER: Let children draw stick figures on a piece of paper and write FISH FOR PEOPLE, etc. Children can draw simple pictures of fish around the banner and punch holes in the top corners of the banner and hang with yarn or string! STRING FISH: Draw the outline of a fish in the most simple way possible. Let children glue yarn around the outside edges of the fish and hang at the end of yarn or a string on a dowel rod or a branch from a tree for the children to take home. Children can write PEOPLE on their fish to help them remember that we are to trust Jesus as we FISH for People. SNACK TIME: Goldfish crackers Song: "I Will Make You Fishers of Men" by Elaine Kirkpatrick Words and Music (pdf) This song may be freely downloaded and reproduced for religious or educational use by churches, schools, home schoolers, and other non-profit organizations. No other use is authorized without the consent of Elaine Kirkpatrick. Not to be sold or used for profit. Song: "Fishers of Men" by Harry D. Clarke Words and Music (pdf) Hope Publishing Company is the copyright owner of this song. It is used here with their permission. You may be able to find it in some children's song books. If you wish to print the the music from Sermons4Kids, you must obtain permission from Hope Publishing. |
About Carol Williams |
Carol and her husband have been in the ministry for 35 years. They have served churches in Illinois, Minnesota, Mississippi, Michigan, and for the last 15 years in Indiana. Carol loves to work with children so you will find her teaching in Junior Church and children's Sunday School. She also has clowning ministry in which she is known as Bubbles tc (the clown). |
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