Keeping Our Promises Group
Actividades del grupo

Interactive Group Activities
by Carol Williams & Charles Kirkpatrick

Sermon Title: "Keeping Our Promises"

Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 1:4-20

ROMISE RUN: Divide children into teams. Each team will have a poster board. The team players will take turns at running around the designated area to find a PROMISE OF GOD.. or HOW WE CAN KEEP OUR PROMISE... (only one Promise for each runner). The teacher will prepare colorful pieces of paper with the promises, made up before class time and taped around the area. The team player will run back to the team poster board and tape it on - then the next player can run to find a promise. The team that wins will be the first team to have all their players find a promise, or the teacher can have a certain time limit and see how many the team as a whole can find and tape to their team poster (only one promise at a time can be added to keep the children from grabbing several slips of paper at once)

BIBLE PROMISE PICS: Divide the class into several groups. The teacher will tape colorful pieces of construction paper around the room. Give each child one colored marker and each group will go to one of the construction papers around the room. When the teacher says GO, each group will draw a picture of a promise that a child could make to God. The children in each group will all add to the drawing and the discussion. After the time allowed for the drawings is complete, the teacher will tell the children to stop drawing and then each group can tell their classmates what they drew and have discussion if desired or questions asked to other children.

As the children sit in a circle around a chalkboard, the teacher will draw quick drawings (stick people, etc) which the children will discuss whether the drawing is a promise from God or is not a promise, such as a bike, God's love, house, toys, Bible (God's Word), caring people, etc.

PROMISE PROPELLER: Give the children a paper plate, scissors, and markers. The children should cut the plate in from the edge about 3 inches to form "propellers" for the children to write PROMISES on. The children could then color and decorate their plate using a paintbrush to spread some glitter glue on their propellers to make them sparkle.

Provide each child with a wooden dowel with a triangular piece of light-colored felt attached to it. Give the children a round circle to draw a picture of their own face and then glue their picture onto the pennant. Use a marker or fabric pen to write GOD IS FAITHFUL, or GOD KEEPS HIS PROMISES, or other words from today's lesson onto the pennant.

MY NAME BUTTON: Each child can cut out whatever shape they would like to cut from a piece of card board stock and color and decorate their NAME BUTTON. The teacher will need to have a names-meaning-book so the children can write their name on their button, as well as the meaning, if possible.

COLORFUL PROMISE PUZZLE: Teacher can make and present the "pieces" of a puzzle that students can try to put together as they come into class. When all the pieces are put together correctly, they will see something like: ALWAYS KEEP MY PROMISES... or GOD KEEPS HIS PROMISES... or something similar to start the lesson off!!

NAME MEANING POSTER:  The teacher can look up her/his students' names ahead of time if possible and let child make a poster of THEIR name and meaning! (Stickers are always fun to add to the posters). How beautiful for children to see the meaning of their OWN name and discuss that "meaning" as it pertains to their service to the Lord in the days ahead!

RAINBOW drawing on the chalkboard - each child taking a different color chalk and talking about God's promises with each new color that is added.

"PROMISES" ROLE PLAY! (For older children... have one child give an example of a situation; another child can tell how a promise could be made, and then kept or broken; class or another child could give the consequence of that BROKEN PROMISE.

PAPER PLATE RAINBOW (Promise) MOBILE - Cut paper plate in half and have children color a rainbow.  Hang rainbow by a ribbon or yarn to hang from ceiling or on the wall.  Teacher can have words typed out in big BOLD print for students to hang from the paper plated rainbow: GOD KEEPS HIS PROMISES. (I SHOULD TOO... optional)

SHARE A SNACK: The teacher can fix up some PROMISE SNACKS for the children. Each little bag of snacks for the children will have a PROMISE inside for the children to take home - such as I PROMISE TO PRAY FOR YOU, I PROMISE TO HELP YOU, etc. When the teacher gives the children the promise - children will be very encouraged and will feel very special.

Song:  "God Is So Good "

Words and Music

Accompaniment MP3

Song:  "I Promise " Provided courtesy of Cynthia Jordan

Words and Music

Accompaniment MP3

About Carol Williams
Carol and her husband have served churches in Illinois, Minnesota, Mississippi, Michigan, and Indiana.  Carol loves to work with children so you will find her teaching in Junior Church and children's Sunday School.  She also has clowning ministry in which she is known as Bubbles tc (the clown).
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