Marys Song Group
Actividades del grupo
Interactive Group Activities by Carol Williams |
Sermon Title: "Mary's Song" Scripture Reading: Luke 1:39-56 |
SING AND CELEBRATE: Gather all the children into a circle and hand out jingle bells, cymbals, triangles or other rhythm instruments. Sing Christmas songs together creating variations of the songs by having only the children who are wearing red sing, only the boys sing, or only the girls sing a verse or a chorus. Some children might like to sing a solo or a duet on a verse of Away in a Manger. MANGER RELAY: Divide the children into teams with each team having a box or something similar to represent a manger. The children will take turns running to their "manger" and wrapping a doll in a blanket and running back to the team for the next player to do the same. The teacher or a leader for each team can unwrap the doll/baby for the next player each time. ANGEL SKIT: Children will act out the Christmas story from today's Bible lesson and the one that is Mary can read the part in the story, "My soul glorifies the Lord... etc)". ANGEL BIBLE VERSE: Trace and cut out angels then color and decorate them. Put words from today's bible verse on the wall and place all the beautiful angels around them. (Or you could hang the angels on a classroom Christmas tree for praising GOD!) CHRISTMAS LOOPING: Give the children strips of paper (all the same size) for writing words from today's Bible lesson to tell the Christmas story. Then they will make the strips into loops and connect them to form a chain that can then be placed around the doorway or on the Christmas tree. Let children share what words they wrote on their Christmas loops to tell today's story of Jesus' birth and Mary's Song. MARY'S SONG BELL: Provide children with construction paper and a tracing of a large bell. Children can write "Mary's Song" or the teacher can have it typed out and on a slip of paper that the children can glue onto the bell. Provide glitter and markers for decorating the bell to hang on the classroom wall or for the child to take home. CHRISTMAS CARDS: The children can be given supplies to make a Christmas card with pictures of today's lesson as well as special words, or the teacher can provide a Christmas card to each child that they can cut out the picture and then glue onto their own construction paper card, as well as writing words to celebrate Jesus' birth on the inside of the card. Children can stand the cards on their kitchen table at home. If time allows and children would like to make more cards to stand up around their own homes or to give to someone else who is special to them, more cards, pictures and paper could be handed out as time allows. CHRISTMAS TREE PRAISE: Give each child a large green triangle and several colored "small" circles to glue onto their triangle/TREE as lights on the Christmas tree. Let children have a thin marker or pencil/pen to write words from today's lesson to make their "Praise Tree", such as words like praise, Rejoicing, Singing, Blessed, Great things, Jesus, Glorify, Holy, etc. PAPER PLATE HANGING: Give each child a paper plate to color in Christmas bright colors and decorate with glitter and hung by some colorful yarn or string. The children can hang them in their window at home. Write CELEBRATE JESUS' BIRTHDAY on the bright colored plate with glitter. SING A SONG: (Sung to the tune of Mary had a Little Lamb)...MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB, LITTLE LAMB, LITTLE LAMB, MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB, HIS NAME I'M SURE YOU KNOW, FOR EVERYWHERE THAT JESUS WENT, JESUS WENT, JESUS WENT, EVERYWHERE THAT JESUS WENT, HIS LOVE WAS SURE TO FLOW! Children would also enjoy singing AWAY IN A MANGER. SHARE A SNACK: Christmas tree cookies that children can frost and add glitter, etc. Song: "The Greatest Gift of All" Music: Sheet music in PDF format. MP3: Piano Accompaniment (right click on link and save to your computer) |
About Carol Williams |
Carol and her husband have been served churches in Illinois, Minnesota, Mississippi, Michigan, and Indiana. Carol loves to work with children so you will find her teaching in Junior Church and children's Sunday School. She also has clowning ministry in which she is known as Bubbles tc (the clown). |
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