The Unseen Power
Actividades del grupo
Sermon Title: "The Unseen Power"
Scripture Reading: John 16:12-15
Use the old "telephone game" of whispering something in one ear and then THAT person whispers what he thinks her heard into the next person's ear and continue until the last one has heard the whisper. That child will tell what he HEARD. Encourage children to whisper things they know about Jesus and His Word.
Have an inexpensive kite for each child or a drawing for them to complete as the teacher discusses the 5 Christian aspects of a kite - concentrating on the Holy Spirit the most, to go along with this Bible lesson. Here are the 5 analogies for the Kite that we learn on KITE DAY each year. 1) The cross shape dowels are how you begin to build a kite and the CROSS is the beginning of the Christian life; 2) a kite needs a tail to keep the kite stable in the wind and Christians have the Word of God, to keep them stable; 3) a kite needs covering to catch the wind - Jesus covers all our sin and debt; 4) a kite has to be anchored to something that won't blow away and we, as Christians have Jesus Christ as our anchor; and 5) kites need the wind to fly. The HOLY SPIRIT is our helper to lift us up.
Teacher can have either pieces of remnant carpet pieces for the children or a plain kitchen or bath mat for children to use markers on, to either place by their bed to remind them to pray and what they have learned about the Holy Spirit and God's power, or to put in their bedrooms to remind them to pray and the POWER of Prayer!!!
POWER Object lesson:
Have a fan blowing various items at different times during the class time and have the discussion that we "didn't SEE what blew the paper off the table", or "we didn't SEE what blew those tissues", etc, but we know SOMETHING is blowing these things around our room. Discuss the POWER of the Holy Spirit even though we cannot see it.
Top of the mobile can have a big blue cloud that will say HOLY SPIRIT and hanging in clouds from the mobile can be.... SPIRIT OF TRUTH, WILL NOT SPEAK ON HIS OWN, GUIDES US INTO ALL TRUTH; WILL TELL ME WHAT IS YET TO COME, JOHN 16:12-13. This could be for a class project instead of individual mobiles, as well, depending on the class.
The Holy Spirit is our GUIDE, so teacher can play a game of hide and go seek, or follow the leader, or a game of tag, but the children have to be touching someone and staying CLOSE like a MAGNET while they play the game, or else they have to sit down if they let go of another person. Discussion about the lesson!
Song: "Lead Me, Lord " by Samuel S. Wesley
Words and music (pdf)
MP3 piano accompaniment - Right click and save to your computer. (Four measures introduction and sing twice.)
This song is in the Public Domain and may be freely downloaded and reproduced for use in your church or organization.
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