
If You Love Me...


Show your love by your actions.


A picture of your mother or make a "Top Ten" poster.


Jesus replied, "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. John 14:23 (NIV)

Can anyone guess who this is in this picture? It is my mother. My mother is in heaven with Jesus now, but I still think of her often. I loved my mother very much and I know that she liked to hear me say, "Mom, I love you!" Do you think your mother likes to hear you tell her that you love her? Of course she does! But do you know what your mother likes even more? She likes for you to show her that you love her.

How can you show your mother that you love her? Well, I made up a list of what I think might be the top ten ways to show your mother that you love her.

  1. Make your bed
  2. Pick up your clothes
  3. Keep your room clean
  4. Take out the trash
  5. Help her fix dinner
  6. Set the table
  7. Help with the dishes
  8. Don't fuss with your brothers or sisters
  9. Give her a gift that you made yourself
  10. Obey her when she tells you to do something

So remember, your mom likes to hear you say, "I love you," but she likes it even more when you show her that you love her.

Do you love Jesus? I'm sure you do. Do you think Jesus likes to hear you say, "I love you?" I know He does. But he likes it even better when you show Him that you love Him. How do you do that? He told us how. He said, "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teachings." The Bible is full of things that Jesus taught us. You show him that you love him by obeying his teaching.

When you leave here today, don't forget to tell your mom that you love her, but more important, show her that you love her. As we worship today, tell Jesus that you love him, but more important, remember to show him that you love him by doing the things that he taught us.

Dear Lord, we have come to your house today to say, "I love you." Help us to go out of here today and show you that we love you by obeying your teachings. Amen.