Scope and Sequence

Vivid Sunday School Curriculum makes an impact where it matters most--in the hearts and minds of kids. With three age-appropriate levels, Vivid Sunday School will open children's eyes to see God's truth more clearly---and in full color!

Jesus is King: Easter

Title What kids will learn Bible Basis
Praise Parade Jesus enters Jerusalem as King. Luke 19:28-40
Crown Him King Christ is the King. John 18:33-37
The Faces of Easter The joy of Easter. Luke 24:1-12
Can You Believe It? He is risen—believe it! John 20:19-31
Breakfast on the Beach Following Jesus brings great rewards. John 21:1-19

Jesus' Teachings

Title What kids will learn Bible Basis
The Dishonest Manager God wants us to be honest. Luke 16:1-13
The Rich Man and Lazarus We accept God's salvation. Luke 16:19-31
A Mustard Seed Faith We have faith in God. Luke 17:5-10
The Good Shepherd Jesus is the Good Shepherd. John 10:11-18

True Treasure Hunt

Title What kids will learn Bible Basis
A Fool and His Money Jesus warned us to beware of selfishness and greed. Luke 12:13-21
Treasures in Heaven We lay up treasures in heaven. Luke 12:32-40
The Widow’s Mite Every gift matters. Mark 12:38-44
In Search of Happiness We find true happiness in Jesus. Luke 6:17-26