Mustard Seed Faith
Group Activities
Sermon Title: "Mustard Seed Faith"
Scripture Reading: Luke 17:5-10
FAITH BANNER: Cut a long piece of felt or cloth or even a long rectangle poster board and draw FAITH with markers going down the left side. Make an acrostic on the word FAITH.
Decorate the banner with stickers or sequins, etc for a wall hanging.
MUSTARD SEED NECKLACE: Draw and cut out small circle about the size of a medallion. Have children draw a mustard seen on one side (or glue on a real mustard seed if available); and on the other side of the medallion necklace, children can write: WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.
SHIELD OF FAITH: Make a large shield out of poster board and have children draw a cross in the middle and write FAITH across the top and wear over their shoulders as a shield,with rope, string or yarn.
FAITH PUZZLE: Teacher can have a picture of a mustard seed and a large bush with the Bible verse printed on the picture - cut into several pieces and give one puzzle in an envelope to each child to put together and quote the Bible verse together!!
FAITH POSTER: Have the children take turns decorating a class poster that will say in large letters: FAITH IS JUST BELIEVING WHAT GOD SAID HE WOULD DO!!
CHALKBOARD FAITH: Have a child write the word FAITH as large as possible on the chalkboard. Let another child draw a TINY mustard seed in the corner and another child can draw a very LARGE MUSTARD BUSH. Each child can write their names on part of the mustard bush if they choose to have FAITH in GOD. Discuss asking God for more faith to believe and to trust because GOD HAS ALL POWER!!!
SEED RELAY: Divide the children into teams. Give each child a small broom and a "seed" to push the seed to the finish line. Let each child on both teams have a chance to push the seed with the broom.
BLOWING SEEDS: Let the children sit on one side of the table or behind a line on the floor. Children will be given a straw and when the teacher says, "GO"... the children will see who can BLOW the seed across the table the quickest... or across the finish line on the floor.
SEEDED FAITH: Provide each child with a piece of construction paper, glue and small seeds. Children can write FAITH with the glue and then sprinkle the seeds on the glue, to decorate the FAITH word. Children can then write words or phrases from the Bible verse today around the FAITH word on the paper. Children could also choose to write PRAYER with the seeds, etc.
ONLY BELIEVE WALL HANGING: Give each child a long piece of paper as a wall hanging, and words of the song, "ONLY BELIEVE". Children can tape or glue the words to the wall hanging and decorate the edges with markers. Stickers and glitter would be great to decorate the wall hanging as well!!
PRAYER CIRCLE: Let the children sit in a circle and roll or throw a seed to another classmate. When the child gets the seed, let that child pray or name a prayer request. Then he will roll or throw the small seed to another child in the circle who will do the same. Continue as time allows.
SHARE A SNACK: Strawberries (bananas or kiwi as well) with dips such as cream cheese dip or chocolate dip. Let children talk about the tiny seeds in the fruit and apply our lesson today!
Song: "Only Believe" - By Paul Rader; Arr. by Charles Kirkpatrick
Song: "Whisper a Prayer" - Traditional
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