In Heaven Forever Group
Group Activities

Interactive Group Activities
by Carol Williams & Charles Kirkpatrick

Sermon Title: "In Heaven Forever"

Scripture Reading: Luke 20:27-40

IN HEAVEN FOREVER BOARD GAME: The teacher will print out game boards. You you will need a game board for every four to six children. (CLICK HERE for the game board master in PDF format. The master prints out two pages which will be taped together to make one game board.) Each child will also need a game piece and each group will need a die. These items can be purchased from, a craft store, or you could use colored buttons or something similar.

HEAVENLY CLOUDS - Teacher can have 3 big fluffy clouds drawn on childrens' posters. At classtime, children can write on the clouds - NO LONGER DIE, LIKE THE ANGELS, GOD'S CHILDREN, and glue little cotton balls on the edges of the clouds. LUKE 20:36 can be written on a separate cloud.

HEAVENLY CLOUD DISPLAY - Large poster-sized cloud on the focal wall for children to write these words in the cloud - WE WILL LIVE FOREVER AS THE CHILDREN OF GOD.

LIVING PEOPLE DISPLAY - Make cut outs of connecting people and tape to the wall or door of the classroom. Have children tape the words above the connecting people that says, HE IS THE GOD OF THE LIVING. (To make "connecting people", fold construction paper back and forth several times and cut through all the thicknesses for half a person and when this is unfolded, the people will still be connected in a long string of people. If my directions aren't clear, just cut out many little construction-paper people and tape next to each other on the wall.)

CANDY CORN WORDS - Teacher can have a large bowl of candy corns for children to eat, as well as to glue on their 8 X 10 piece of brown or yellow poster board. Children can choose words from the lesson such as LOVE AND TRUST JESUS, or LIVE FOREVER IN HEAVEN, or GOD IS THE GOD OF THE LIVING, etc.

WORDS GAME - Teacher can have colorful printed words on a large poster board with a little piece of paper covering each word. Children will take turns removing one little paper covering on each word, at a time. Children can see who can figure out first what the WORDS GAME POSTER says - IF WE LOVE HIM AND TRUST IN HIM, WE WILL LIVE FOREVER IN HEAVEN WITH HIM.

HAPPY FACE PAPER PLATE ART - Each child can be given a paper plate and markers to draw happy faces all over the plate or happy face stickers. Words can be written on the middle of the plate or around the edges that say - ETERNAL LIFE IN HEAVEN. If there is time and teacher chooses to add the sad faces on the back side of the plate, children can draw some SAD faces and write (Sadducees - SAD YOU SEE - DIDN'T BELIEVE IN THE RESURRECTION.)

HEAVEN FOREVER GAME - A little treat could be given to each child who can list something special in heaven that we don't have here on earth such as JESUS is there, no more sickness, no crying, golden streets to walk on, no more nights, heavenly singing, angels, all our loved ones, etc. These things could be written on the chalkboard as they're called off, or children could draw a quick picture of what they're thinking of and see if the other children can guess what it is!

Song:  "I Have the Joy " by George W. Cooke, arr. by Elaine Kirkpatrick

Song Sheet (PDF)

Piano Accompaniment MP3 - Right click and save to your computer

About Carol Williams
Carol and her husband have served churches in Illinois, Minnesota, Mississippi, Michigan, and Indiana.  Carol loves to work with children so you will find her teaching in Junior Church and children's Sunday School.  She also has clowning ministry in which she is known as Bubbles tc (the clown).
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