Jesus And The Sabbath Group
Group Activities
Interactive Group Activities by Carol Williams & Charles Kirkpatrick |
Sermon Title: "Jesus and the Sabbath" Scripture Reading: Mark 2:23-3:6 |
ONE HANDED ACTIVITY: Have the children do an activity with one hand tied or placed behind the back—it's hard! (Button your shirt or tie one's shoes, for example) Discuss how difficult it must have been for the man with a crippled hand in today's story. Talk about how he must have felt after Jesus healed his hand. HAND PRINT ART: Have the children cut out a large hand print which the teacher has traced onto a sheet of paper and write this Bible verse on it: Then Jesus said to the man, “Hold out your hand.” So the man held out his hand, and it was restored! Mark 3:5 FOLLOW THE LEADER: Children can find a way to play their version of FOLLOW THE LEADER, with each "leader" doing different things for the followers to copy. Tell children to be careful to follow carefully, like we do for Jesus when HE is leading us! FOOTPRINTS TO FOLLOW: Cut out large footprints from construction paper and write one word on each footprint to form the sentence JESUS SET AN EXAMPLE FOR US TO FOLLOW IN KEEPING THE SABBBATH HOLY. Give them to the children and let them try to lay them out on the floor in the correct order and then follow the "Foot steps of Jesus." CAN DO CANS: Decorate a large Styrofoam cup and put a label on it that says, "Sabbath Cans." Instead of focusing on what we "can't do" on the Sabbath, think of things we "can do." Give the children craft sticks and have them write activities that they "Can Do" on the Sabbath. NATURE WALK: If possible, take the children on a nature walk and let them point out all of the beautiful creations of God. JESUS TEACHING BOOKLET: The children can be given supplies to cut out various colors of construction paper in the same size HEART shape for the pages as well as the front and back cover. Each page can be a teaching of Jesus or words from today's lesson. Make sure children have stickers to decorate their booklets, such as hearts, crosses, happy faces, etc. BAND-AID MAN CARD: Children can make a card to encourage someone with love and caring. The card can have stenciled hearts or heart stickers on the front, as well as a "BAND-AID MAN". The bandage will be the body of the person, with movable eyes, and a face drawn on it, as well as drawing arms and legs. Make sure the BAND-AID MAN is wearing a smile. Inside the card, children can draw, use happy stickers, or write a verse or some words to show that they care for someone that they will give the card to. Talk about how Jesus cared for the man with the withered hand in today's lesson. SHARE A SNACK: Sun flower seeds or cookies to decorate (OR decorated) with happy face! Song: "Footsteps of Jesus" Words and Music (pdf) Song: "The B-I-B-L-E" Words and Music (pdf) |
About Carol Williams |
Carol and her husband have served churches in Illinois, Minnesota, Mississippi, Michigan, and Indiana. Carol loves to work with children so you will find her teaching in Junior Church and children's Sunday School. She also has clowning ministry in which she is known as Bubbles tc (the clown). |
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