Jesus Calls the Disciples
Group Activities
Sermon Title: "Let's Go Fishing"
Scripture Reading: Luke 5:1-11
: Tie a string so that it stretches across the room and hang a sheet over the string to make a curtain. Use an old fishing pole, purchase a toy fishing pole, or make your own from a stick and tie a string or long piece of yarn to act as a fishing line. Tie a clothespin or a large paper clip to the end of the string to make the "hook." Children will take turns letting down the fishing line behind the curtain. The teacher will put a treat (candy, pencil, anything inexpensive) on the hook and give a little tug on the line to let the child know they have had a "bite." The teacher will explain that we'll learn about FISHING today in our Bible Story so "listen for WHO will go fishing for WHAT" in our lesson!
: Begin this activity by singing the song "Fishers of Men." Next, DRAW a picture of WATER and WAVES on a piece of butcher paper and put it up on the wall. Give the children several fish cut out of construction paper. The Children will write the names of people they know who need to know Jesus on their fish and then glue or tape their FISH onto the picture. The class will then PRAY for these "fish" and ask God to help us to become fishers for people.
Buy netting material to hang on the classroom focal wall. Children can cut out bright NEON FISH (drawn ahead of time by the teacher on neon poster board), and children can put those fish IN THE NET. Large sign can be placed IN the net that says I
Make "nets" from brown paper lunch bags. These are made by the teacher who cuts little slits in the bags before class time (older children may want to cut the slits themselves). Choose an OPTION below:
Option 1
: Children can place cut out fish (that have names of friends or family who need JESUS), IN the NET "lunch bag".
Option 2
:Draw some fish on poster board and write the Bible verse (Luke 5:10b) on each fish. Cut the fish into pieces to create a simple jigsaw puzzle. Give each child a lunch bag fishing net which has one of the jigsaw puzzles inside. The children will put the puzzles together. Close the activity by reading the Bible verse together.
Draw and cut out construction paper FISH and staple or tape two together leaving the top part of the fish OPEN to form a pouch. Give children a FISH to eat!! (Inside that paper fish will be gold fish crackers!!
Song: "I Will Make You Fishers of Men" by Elaine Kirkpatrick
Words and Music (pdf)
MP3 Accompaniment Track (right click to save to your computer)
This song may be freely downloaded and reproduced for religious or educational use by churches, schools, home schoolers, and other non-profit organizations. No other use is authorized without the consent of Sermons4Kids. Not to be sold or used for profit.
Song: "Fishers of Men" by Harry D. Clarke
Words and Music (pdf)
MP3 Accompaniment Track
Hope Publishing Company is the copyright owner of this song. It is used here with their permission. You may be able to find it in some children's song books. If you wish to print the the music from Sermons4Kids, you must obtain permission from Hope Publishing.
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