Parables Of Jesus Group
Group Activities

Interactive Group Activities
by Carol Williams & Charles Kirkpatrick

Sermon Title: "The Parables of Jesus"

Scripture Reading: Mark 4:30-34

GROWING KINGDOM: Before class time, the teacher can hide some cut out shapes of people around a designated area of the classroom. When the teacher says, "Go", the children will search for the hidden cut outs (set a time limit of about 3 minutes). When a child finds a cut out, it will be brought to the front of the room and tacked to the bulletin board. When the time is up, the children can see how fast the KINGDOM grew as they gathered the people.

MUSTARD SEED HANGMAN GAME: Use a chalk board to play the hangman game using words from the parable of the mustard seed. (mustard, tree, small, large, plant, grow, etc.) Let the children take turns guessing letters.

MUSTARD SEED REFRIGERATOR MAGNET: Make a refrigerator magnet by gluing a small magnet strip to the back of cardboard. You can buy magnet strips at craft shops. Decorate the card with the words “Big things come from little things like mustard seeds” and glue a mustard seed to it.

GROWING THE KINGDOM: This game is played like hide and seek. As children are found they will connect by holding hands and growing their group of ones who have been found. When all have been found let them form a circle and have a seat to have the story today told to them.

PARABLE BOOKMARK: Give the children a piece of card stock as well as stickers and a mustard seed to make a bookmark. Children can write PARABLE on the bookmark as well as placing several mustard seeds on the bookmark with glue. After the bookmark has been decorated, the children can cover it with clear contact paper and punch a hole at the top for a red ribbon.

CHALKBOARD KINGDOM GROWING: Invite each child to come up to the chalkboard and draw a stick man or their choice of a person figure. And as each child comes to draw their stick man, make sure the hands are connected and see how many figures they can draw in 5 minutes.

PARABLE WALL BANNER: The teacher can have very large letters ready for children to cut out from card stock or colored paper. These should be large letters 10-12 inches tall. After the children cut them out, have them place them in order on a focal wall and decorate them with stickers. If the class is very large, this could be done more than one time for a different wall or a different location of the building to remind them that Jesus taught using parables.

MUSTARD SEED MUFFIN SNACKS: The teacher can use a favorite recipe to make miniature muffins. Sprinkle sesame seeds on top to symbolize mustard seeds.

Song:  "Little Is Much when God Is in It"

Sheet Music (PDF)

Piano Accompaniment (MP3)

About Carol Williams
Carol and her husband have served churches in Illinois, Minnesota, Mississippi, Michigan, and Indiana.  Carol loves to work with children so you will find her teaching in Junior Church and children's Sunday School.  She also has clowning ministry in which she is known as Bubbles tc (the clown).
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