Praying For You Group
Group Activities

Interactive Group Activities
by Carol Williams

Sermon Title: "I'm Praying for You"

Scripture Reading:  John 17:6-19

WORLD WATCHES: Let the children look over a world globe. Tell the children that you will give them a place to find on the world globe. This can be done in teams or as individuals. Let children know that there are Christians ALL AROUND this world and how important it is to be IN this world but not OF this world. Have children put a small round sticker on each place that they find, as the teacher mentions different continents and countries, etc.

THAT THEY MAY BE ONE: Give each child a large cut out number one to color and decorate and have them write THAT THEY MAY BE ONE. This number should be cut out of heavy poster board so a slit can be cut in the bottom to insert another piece of poster board so the NUMBER ONE can stand alone.

THE LORD'S PRAYER FOR US: Give the children some words and phrases from the prayer that Jesus prayed for his disciples written on strips of various colors of construction paper. (PROTECTED FROM THE EVIL ONE, LET THEM BE ONE, IN THE WORLD BUT NOT OF THE WORLD, MADE HOLY BY THE TRUTH, YOUR WORD IS TRUTH, SENT INTO THE WORLD) At the to of a sheet of poster board, write JESUS PRAYS FOR HIS DISCIPLES. Let the children glue their strips on the poster board and hang it on the wall to remember Jesus' prayer for us.

POSTER WORLD AND CROSSES: Let the children (or the teacher before class time) draw a very LARGE WORLD on a full piece of poster board. Color the world as time allows and then give each child a paper cross to write their own name on and tape it somewhere on the world poster. Tell the children that there are children and grown ups ALL AROUND THE WORLD who are IN the World but not OF the World.

WORLD BIBLE BOOK MARKERS: Give the children supplies to cut out a book marker and add stickers or pictures of a world globe as well as drawing crosses and hearts, and let themn write I WILL BE IN THE WORLD BUT NOT OF THE WORLD. Give the children a ribbon to glue to the edges of the book marker, if desired.

WORLD MARCH: Let the children march around the "world" area that the teacher has marked off or the children could follow the teacher to the many parts of the world. The teacher will make signs representing various parts of the world to let children know that wherever they GO, they can be IN the world but not OF the world. At each "sign" in the world that the teacher has prepared before class time, the teacher can have the children sit down in a circle and share ways of being IN the world but not OF the world. Then continue the MARCH to another "part of the world" and do the same circle sharing.

EGG SHELL WORLD: Crushed up egg shells can be dyed for different colors and dried before class. Let the children draw a round world on a heavy piece of paper or poster board and add the colored shells for different parts of the world and title the paper... IN THE WORLD BUT NOT OF THE WORLD.

SNACK TIME: Have several kinds of snacks available for the children to take a few of each snack and put in a little sandwich zip-lock bag for their snack today. Tell children that they are SEPARATE from the world (as the various treats can represent) but live IN the world (after putting all the snacks "together" in their sandwich bag. (Ideas for treats such as M & M's, raisins, mini crackers, pretzels, etc)


Song:  "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands"

Words and Music (pdf)

MP3 Accompaniment Track

About Carol Williams
Carol and her husband have served churches in Illinois, Minnesota, Mississippi, Michigan, and Indiana.  Carol loves to work with children so you will find her teaching in Junior Church and children's Sunday School.  She also has clowning ministry in which she is known as Bubbles tc (the clown).
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