
A Most Precious Gift

Bible Background

What Kids Will Learn

Whatever we have—talents, food, or even ourselves—can be given to Jesus as we worship Him.

Scripture Summary

John, one of Jesus’ disciples, wrote the book of John as an account of Jesus’ life and ministry. He set out to prove that Jesus was the Son of God. The book describes, in detail, many of the teachings and interactions Jesus had with His followers.

Jesus had many friends, especially Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. This is the same family that provides the account of Mary and Martha—and how Mary chose to receive from Jesus while her sister, Martha, complained about Mary not working. And this is the same Lazarus whom Jesus raised from the dead. Jesus, Mary, Martha, and Lazarus were good friends, and Jesus stayed with them multiple times.

At another gathering in their home, Mary took a bottle of fine perfume that was worth a year’s wages and poured the bottle on Jesus’ feet. She then wiped His feet with her hair. While this sounds like an odd thing to do, Mary did this out of worship for her Lord.

And Judas, who would later betray Jesus, criticized Mary for doing this. He pointed out the logic that the perfume could have been sold and the money given to those less fortunate. He saw the act as a waste. However, Jesus knew that Judas’ motives were not pure and that he had stolen from the disciples before.

Unfortunately, Judas was living a lie. He wanted everyone to believe that he was doing, saying, and believing the right things. But instead, Satan had a hold on Judas’ heart.

Why Is This Important

God knows our hearts. Just like Jesus knew that Judas’ heart was dark and controlled by Satan, Jesus also knew that Mary’s heart was pure as she gave herself, and all she had, in worship.

Teacher Devotion


“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!” (Matthew 25:21)

My own doubts and fears often get in the way. What if I make a mistake on a new project? How will I relate to new friends? What if my ministry is inefficient and wastes time and money? Honestly, I can relate to the servant with one talent. Rather than using his gifts, he gave in to his doubts and fears and simply buried the talent. (Matthew 25)

The familiar parable begins with a master going away and entrusting three of his servants with talents (or money). Two of the servants were wise and ended up doubling what was entrusted to them. The other two servants took risks, and maybe even experienced setbacks while the master was away. I imagine it wasn’t easy to take a leap of faith and use their talents. But the two servants did, and they were rewarded. Unlike the master in this parable, God doesn’t go away on a journey. He is right here with you right now as you use what you’ve been given.

There’s not one person in this world who can do what you can do. Seriously. Of course, there are some who have similar interests and talents, but no one is just like you. You are the only one who knows your friends and family, who is equipped with your unique experiences, and who is gifted with certain talents.

So what will you do with your talent?

Take some time to ponder your answers to these questions:

  • How would you describe yourself?
  • What talent do you have? (Be specific, and don’t be shy. What do you do well?)
  • How have your past experiences equipped you for what you’re doing today?
  • In what way will you give Jesus your best today?


Dear God, thank You for entrusting me with talent and friends and experiences. I see that I’m the only one who can do what You have called me to do. Please help me trust in You and how You want me to serve. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Get the full Sunday school lesson plan

  • Bible Memory Verse
  • Interactive Bible Experience
  • Animated video with companion questions

Bible Memory Verse

You’ll Need: Bibles, “Smelly Feet” handouts, Pen

Get Ready: Make copies of the handout, cut apart the feet, and write words or phrases from the verse on each. Make more than one set if you have more than 8 to 10 kids. Place the feet around the room.

“Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped His feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.” (John 12:3)

Have kids do the following to learn the Bible memory verse:

  • Have kids open their Bibles to John 12:3.
  • Read aloud the verse.
  • If needed, divide the class into groups according to how many sets of the verse you made.
  • Have kids find the feet around the room.
  • Have them arrange the feet in the order of the verse.
  • Practice saying the verse.
  • Take away one foot at a time, encouraging kids to eventually say the verse without any help.


  • Tell about something expensive you have.
  • Explain what it would be like for you to give that up to honor Jesus.

SAY: Mary honored Jesus by anointing Him with some very expensive perfume. And Jesus accepted this gift from her. That doesn’t mean that Jesus wants expensive gifts; the gift glorified God by honoring Jesus.

Interactive Bible Experience

You’ll Need: Bibles, Craft sticks, Paper, Glue, Scissors, Crayons

SAY: Today we’re learning about giving our best to Jesus. Let’s look back at the time Mary gave her best to Jesus.

Lead kids through these steps:

  • Have kids open their Bibles to John 12:1-8.
  • Invite kids to read aloud the passage.


  • Why do you think Jesus deserves the best?


  • Explain that kids are going to make something to remind them of some ways they can give their best to Jesus.
  • Give each child three craft sticks and a sheet of paper, then set out glue, scissors, and crayons to share.
  • Explain that kids can give their best to Jesus with their ears, mouth, and heart.
  • Have kids each draw an ear, cut it out, and glue it to the end of a craft stick.
  • Invite kids to discuss ways they can use their ears to give their best to Jesus. They can write one or two ideas on the back of their ears.
  • Repeat this for the mouth and heart.
  • Teach kids this rhyme, and have them hold up the appropriate drawing: “Jesus is God’s special Son. When He died and rose, He won. It’s because of Him I live. My ears and heart and mouth I give.”


  • What do you want to work on giving to Jesus this week?

SAY: Jesus is God’s Son. He died on the cross and came back to life! We can give our best to Jesus by using our ears to listen and learn from Him, our mouths to honor Him, and our hearts to praise Him.


Give the Best Snack

You’ll Need: Paper plates, Several different kinds of snacks

Follow these steps for the snack:

  • Have kids clean their hands.
  • Display all the snacks, and have kids choose small portions of three.
  • Have kids wait to eat.
  • Ask kids to consider what snack is their very favorite of their three, and have them share it with someone.
  • Remind kids that in the Bible passage today, Mary gave her best to Jesus.
  • Enjoy. As kids eat, invite them to talk about what it was like to give up their best.

SAY: Mary gave her best to Jesus. She could have kept the perfume and used it to smell good for a long time! Or she could have sold it and kept the money to either use for herself or to help someone else. But she wanted to honor Jesus and give Him her best before she did anything else. We, too, can find ways to give our best to Jesus.


Crawling Tag

SAY: Today we found out Mary poured perfume on Jesus’ feet and wiped them with her hair. That might tickle! Let’s play a game of tag with our feet.

Follow these steps to play the game:

  • Choose a child to be “It.”
  • In this game of tag, kids must crawl.
  • The person who is It must tag someone’s foot, then that person be- comes It. It cannot tag the person who just tagged him or her for at least 30 seconds, but anyone else can be tagged.
  • Play as long as time allows.

SAY: We all had people trying to touch our feet in this game. In the Bible passage, Mary touched Jesus’ feet with her hair. This might seem strange, but it was a way to honor Jesus. We can honor Jesus, too, by giving Him our best.


Perfume Bottles

You’ll Need: Paper towel tubes, Markers, Various craft supplies, Wrapping paper, Tape, Scissors, Perfume or an essential oil

Get Ready: Cut the paper towel tubes in half.

To make the craft, have kids follow these steps:

  • Remind kids that Mary gave her best to Jesus by pouring perfume on His feet. This action showed that Jesus was very special and ready to do something important.
  • Explain to kids that they’re going to make some special perfume bottles to remind them of this Bible passage.
  • Give each child half a paper towel tube.
  • Have kids wrap the tubes in wrapping paper.
  • Have kids decorate their “perfume bottles” with the craft supplies to make them special. Remind kids to give their best as they work on this project.
  • Allow kids to dab perfume or essential oil inside their bottles.
  • Allow time for kids to show off the bottles they created and tell how they gave their best.

SAY: Take home your perfume bottle as a reminder that like Mary gave her best, we can give our best to Jesus, too!


Our Best Prayers

You’ll Need: The ears, mouth, and heart craft sticks from the Bible Interactive Experience

Lead kids to pray in this way:

  • Remind kids of the rhyme they learned about ways they can give their best to Jesus.
  • Say it together using the craft sticks: “Jesus is God’s special Son. When He died and rose, He won. It’s because of Him I live. My ears and heart and mouth I give.”
  • Invite kids to share how they plan to give their best to Jesus.
  • Lead children in a prayer for God’s help.

PRAY: Dear God, we learned how Mary gave her best to Jesus, and we want to, too. Help us. In Jesus’ name, amen.