
An Extreme Makeover

Bible Background

What Kids Will Learn

Jesus healed a man who was possessed by demons. He was sick and not in his right mind, but Jesus cast out the demons.

Scripture Summary

Jesus performed many miracles during His ministry. He turned water into wine, healed the sick, and multiplied food to feed thousands. There was nothing He couldn’t do.

The disciples and Jesus were traveling by boat when they came on shore in the Gerasenes region—southeast of the Sea of Galilee. Here they met a man possessed by demons. The man was shunned from society, a menace, naked, and homeless.

Legion, as the many demons wanted to be called, recognized Jesus right away and cried out. Based on a Roman army, a legion contained between 3,000 and 6,000 soldiers. The demons in this man were many.

The demons begged Jesus to not send them into the Abyss. As referenced in Revelation 9:1 and Revelation 20:1-3, the Abyss was a place Satan and his demons could be held. Naturally, they didn’t want to go to this prison of sorts.

Some wonder why Jesus didn’t simply demolish the demons or cast them into the Abyss, but the time had not yet come. Jesus cast out demons but didn’t destroy them until such an act is foretold in Revelation.

Instead, Jesus cast the demons into a herd of pigs, causing them to run off a cliff to their deaths. And the man was healed. He was dressed and acting quite normal. The man asked Jesus if he could join Him in ministry, but Jesus thought it better if the man returned home and shared his story there.

Why Is This Important

Jesus has the ultimate power and authority over everything—including terrifying demons. There’s nothing Jesus can’t handle. And oftentimes, He performs a makeover.

Teacher Devotion


“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone; the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17)

God’s all about transformation. We could compare it to a home makeover show or even upcycling an old piece of furniture. When someone receives Christ and decides to follow Jesus, he is a new creation. God strips away all of the old, faded, splintered areas of our lives and gives us a fresh sanding of sorts, and a fresh coat of beautiful paint. The new is unrecognizable.

It might be helpful to see this verse in context. Read the surrounding verses, 2 Corinthians 5:16-21.

“So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! All this is from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to Himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them.

And He has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. God made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.”

Take the time to read the passage three times. And if possible, read the passage aloud, slowly.

The first time you read the passage, listen for a word or phrase that jumps out at you. Don’t overthink it—just watch for what grabs your attention.

And the second time you read the passage, consider any connection the word or phrase has with your life right now. Again, don’t force a connection, just ponder.

The last time you read the passage, listen for any invitation God has for you. This very well might be how the word or phrase connects with your life.


Dear God, thank You for your transformative work in my life. As I continue to follow You, please keep changing me into who you want me to be. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Get the full Sunday school lesson plan

  • Bible Memory Verse
  • Interactive Bible Experience
  • Animated video with companion questions

Bible Memory Verse

You’ll Need: Bible

“And the people went out to see what had happened. When they came to Jesus, they found the man from whom the demons had gone out, sitting at Jesus’ feet, dressed and in his right mind.” (Luke 8:35)

Lead kids in these steps to learn today’s Bible memory verse:

  • Open your Bible to Luke 8:35.
  • Read the Bible memory verse several times and invite kids to repeat phrases after you.
  • Invite kids to gather in a large circle.
  • Have kids wander around the room like pigs in a pen as you say words or phrases from the verse. Each time you say a word or phrase, kids have to stop, “oink,” and then repeat the word or phrase. Then they can begin wandering again.
  • Play several times as kids learn the entire verse.

SAY: Great job learning today’s Bible verse! Today we’re learning about one of Jesus’ extreme makeovers. Let’s see how He’s still transforming people today.

Interactive Bible Experience

You’ll Need: Bible, 2 bags of wacky dress-up clothes, Timer

  • Open your Bible to Luke 8:26-39.
  • Read aloud the passage.
  • Form two teams, and give each team a bag of dress-up clothes.
  • Have teams each choose one person to transform with an extreme makeover.
  • Explain that each team will have 60 seconds to give the team member an extreme makeover.
  • When time is up, have the kids model their extreme makeovers.
  • Play several rounds as time allows, switching bags of dress-up clothes. Each time, have teams choose a new person to dress up.


  • Tell about an extreme makeover you’ve seen in someone.
  • What surprised you about today’s Bible passage?
  • How could people tell that the man in today’s Bible passage was different?

SAY: Jesus is known for working miracles. In today’s passage, He took a man who was possessed by demons and He worked an extreme makeover inside of him. The man was forever changed, and people were in awe of Jesusbecause they could see the change in the man. Let’s learn more about that now.


Extreme Makeover Cookies

You’ll Need: Paper plates, Napkins, Plastic knives, Plain sugar cookies, Frosting, Sprinkles

Get Ready: Before the snack, have kids clean their hands.

Follow these steps for the “Extreme Makeover Cookies” snacks:

  • Give each child a plate, a napkin, a plastic knife, and a plain cookie.
  • Explain that the plain cookies are the “before” version.
  • Explain that kids will get to give their cookies a makeover.
  • Invite kids to use their knives to frost the cookies. Have kids finish decorating their cookies with sprinkles.
  • Let kids show off their decorated cookies and enjoy.


  • What does today’s Bible passage tell you about Jesus?
  • What questions do you have about today’s Bible story?

SAY: Great job giving your cookies an extreme makeover. They were once dull and boring, but you frosted and decorated them, giving them life and vibrancy. The same is true when Jesus performs a makeover in people. He breathes life and vibrancy into dark and dead places.


Piggy Freeze Tag

You’ll Need: Large playing area

To play the “Piggy Freeze Tag” game, have kids follow these steps:

  • Pick one child to be “Jesus.” The rest of the kids will be the pigs.
  • Jesus will stand in the center of the room while the pigs crawl around madly at Jesus’ feet.
  • When Jesus says “Freeze!” the pigs all freeze in place.
  • Anyone who moves is out and has to sit for one round.
  • Choose a new Jesus for each round.
  • Play several rounds as time allows.


  • Why do you think the demons obeyed Jesus?
  • What does this Bible story tell us about Jesus?

SAY: Even after He left the earth and ascended into heaven, Jesus was still working miracles through the power of the Holy Spirit, who dwells in each of us today!


Piggy Planters

You’ll Need: Small clay flower pots, Markers, Potting soil, Large spoon or trowel, Flower seeds

Have kids follow these steps to make the “Piggy Planters” craft:

  • Give each child a small flower pot, and set out markers to share.
  • Invite kids to decorate their flower pots to look like pigs.
  • Help kids fill their flower pots two-thirds full with potting soil.
  • Give each child two or three seeds to plant in their pot.

SAY: Great job making your Piggy Planters! The pigs in today’s story didn’t have such a happy ending, but they serve as a reminder that Jesus cares about us, His children. Take these pots home, water your seeds, and watch as the seeds go through an extreme makeover and become flowers!


Piggy Prayers

You’ll Need: “Piggy Planters” craft

Follow these steps to lead kids in prayer.

  • Have kids sit in a large circle with their “Piggy Planters” crafts.
  • Go around the circle and invite kids to share something they are thankful for.
  • Close in prayer.

PRAY: Dear Jesus, we thank You for the extreme makeovers that You perform. Thank You for transforming people from the inside out. Examine our hearts, Lord, and transform what is dark and dead in them. In Your name, amen.