
Delight in God’s Word

Bible Background

What Kids Will Learn

God gave us His Word as a gift. As part of our relationship with Him and getting to know Him better, we can be glad to study the Bible.

Scripture Summary

While many people wrote Psalms (David, Asaph, and Solomon, to name a few), we don’t know who wrote Psalm 1. The author focuses on the many positives of following God and His way. This requires us to turn a deaf ear to the wicked, the foolish, and the mocking.

God looks at the heart, and there are two options here—faithful or wicked. There’s no middle ground. Those who are faithful take seriously the process of studying and enjoying the Bible. Every word is intentional, helpful, and relatable as we follow Christ.

To meditate is to think deeply or focus one’s mind for a period of time (Oxford). This doesn’t happen quickly or easily, and it takes intentionality. The more we spend time with God and in His Word, the better off we’ll be.

“Whatever he does prospers” does not mean a guarantee of a healthy life with plenty of money. Instead and more importantly, when we’re faithful, God has promised that we’ll bear fruit that’s pleasing to God.

Chaff is the husk or outer covering of grain that needs to be removed. The edible portion—grain kernels—lies inside. After the grain is thrashed to remove the chaff, the lightweight chaff floats away in the air. Such is the life without faith—without purpose, tossed to and fro aimlessly.

Why Is This Important

God gives us what we need to follow Him and live a faithful life. Spending time enjoying His Word is the way to live a faithful live that’s pleasing to Him.

Teacher Devotion


“For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked leads to destruction.” (Psalm 1:6)

As young adults, my now-husband and I served as volunteers in the youth group at church. Maybe we weren’t ready to grow up. Or, we had some slightly more mature insight to offer those navigating their teen years. But we enjoyed our time pouring life into those who were slightly younger than us.

When a new youth pastor joined the staff at the church, the first task he gave us volunteers was to memorize Psalm 1. Rather than us giving him the inside scoop on each kid or sharing our aspirations for the youth group, he wanted us to focus on this passage. And we did it.

Psalm 1 became a foundation of how we interacted with each student, each volunteer, and the youth pastor. We joyfully focused on God and His Word. That first year, we endured hardships (sicknesses, broken families, school issues, and personal conflict), but this passage provided a basis on which to stand.

Each day, every decision presents two options: the faithful way or the way of the wicked. At first glance, of course, we’d all say that we’d choose the faithful way. But Satan loves to distract, discourage, and derail us. He’s crafty and cunning as he makes the wicked way seem not so bad and not all that wicked.

Take time to read the short chapter of Psalm 1 ( just six verses). Ponder your answers to these questions:

  • What tempts you to listen to the “wicked” or to mock others?
  • How do you go about taking delight in God’s law? What does that look like?
  • What fruit have you seen in your own life over the past year?


Dear God, thank You for giving me everything I need. Yes, I have food and clothing, but You’ve also provided all that I need (You, Your Word, Your community) to follow you well. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Get the full Sunday school lesson plan

  • Bible Memory Verse
  • Interactive Bible Experience
  • Animated video with companion questions

Bible Memory Verse

You’ll Need: Bibles, Tan or light-brown paper, Straws, Pencils, Glue

“Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on His law day and night.” (Psalm 1:1-2)

Lead kids in these steps:

  • Invite kids to open their Bibles to Psalm 1:1-2.
  • Give each child a sheet of tan paper and a pencil.
  • Instruct kids to write the Bible verses in the center of the paper.
  • Next, glue one straw at the top of the paper and one straw at the bottom.
  • After the glue has dried, roll each end toward the middle like a scroll.
  • Invite children to read the Bible verses from their scrolls together as a class. 

SAY: Your scripture on a scroll is a great reminder for us to take great pleasure in God’s Word.

Interactive Bible Experience

You’ll Need: Bibles, Plain paper plates, Markers

  • Distribute a paper plate to each child, and invite kids to open their Bibles to Psalm 1.
  • Ask kids to write “Blessed” on one side of the paper plate and “Wicked” on the other side.
  • Explain that you are going to read the Bible passage aloud, and when they hear about the blessed people, invite them to hold up their paper plates with the “Blessed” side showing.
  • When they hear about the wicked people, invite kids to hold their paper plates with the “Wicked” side showing.
  • When you have finished reading the passage, instruct kids to write what they learned about blessed people on the corresponding side of the plate. Have them write what they learned about wicked people on the other side of the plate.


  • What was the difference between how the blessed people and the wicked people lived?
  • Why do you think God wants us to delight in His Word?
  • What is one thing that you like or enjoy about the Bible?

SAY: God makes it clear that those who spend time in His Word are blessed, and there are sad consequences for those who do not. We are called to delight in God’s Word. Let’s make His Word a priority in our lives today.


Bible Snacks

You’ll Need: Paper plates, Napkins, Tubes of gel icing in various colors, Fig Newton cookies

Get Ready: Have kids clean their hands.

Follow these steps for the “Bible Snacks”:

  • Give each child a paper plate, a napkin, and two Fig Newton cookies.
  • Allow kids to use the gel icing to outline each Fig Newton cookie and put a cross in the center to make the cookies look like a Bible.
  • Enjoy!


  • Can you find five minutes to spend in God’s Word today?
  • What is one way you can remind yourself to read the Bible each day?


God’s Word or Not?

You’ll Need: Masking tape

Get Ready: Using the masking tape, make a line down the center of the classroom. Explain to the kids that one side is “God’s Word” and the other side is “Not God’s Word.”

To play the “God’s Word or Not?” game, have kids follow these steps:

  • Instruct the class to line up on the masking tape line.
  • Explain that one side of the room is “God’s Word” and the other side is “Not God’s Word.”
  • Read through the following sayings, and allow kids to decide if they think they’re actual words from the Bible. Ask them to move to the corresponding side of the room.
  • Love your enemies. (God’s Word)
  • God wants me to live by my own rules. (Not God’s Word)
  • Heaven gained another angel. (Not God’s Word)
  • Everyone has sinned. (God’s Word)
  • He (Jesus) must become greater, and I must become less. (God’s Word)
  • God doesn’t give us more than we can handle. (Not God’s Word)
  • After kids select a side, call on volunteers and ask them why they chose that side.

SAY: You did a great job playing that game and deciding what words came from God. To be disciples of Christ, we realize that He is the leader and we are not. Following Jesus and delighting in God’s Word are amazing ways to walk the best path for our lives.


  • What is one thing from God’s Word that you can follow today?


Scripture Trees

You’ll Need: “Scripture” handout, White card stock, Glue

Get Ready: Before class, print the “Scripture” handout on green and brown paper. You’ll need one of each color per child.

Follow these steps to make the “Scripture Trees” craft:

  • Give each child a sheet of white card stock along with one green and one brown “Scripture” handout.
  • Invite kids to tear up the brown sheet and glue the pieces on card stock to look like a tree trunk.
  • Next, instruct kids to tear up the green sheet, and guide them to glue those pieces to look like leaves on a tree.
  • Allow the “Scripture Tree” crafts to dry.

SAY: Your Scripture Trees are amazing! Our Scripture passage in Psalm 1 tells us that the person who meditates on God’s Word is “like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers.” Hang your tree in your home to remind you of how important God’s Word is in our daily lives.


God’s Word Prayers

You’ll Need: Bible

  • Instruct kids to stand in a circle.
  • Pass the Bible around the circle. As each child receives it, invite the child to pray a simple prayer aloud, such as “God, help me to delight in Your word.”

PRAY: Dear God, thank You for giving us the Bible as a guide for our lives. Please help us to delight in Your Word. Remind us to ask our parents to read Your Word to us. Help us to turn to the Bible for help, comfort, and to learn more about You. In Jesus’ name, amen.