Holding On to Jesus
Memory Verse:
“As they were walking along the road, a man said to Him, ‘I will follow You wherever You go.’ Jesus replied, ‘Foxes have dens, and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay His head.’” (Luke 9:57-58)
Bible Background
What Kids Will Learn
Jesus is most important and most trustworthy. Regardless of what we think we need to do, we must first hold on to Jesus.
Scripture Summary
Jesus knew that the end of His ministry was nearing. He was about to die on the cross and be raised from the dead. But first, He and His disciples needed to travel to Jerusalem. He knew they’d face persecution, but He went anyway.
Culturally volatile, the Samaritans were a mixed race of the Assyrians and the Israelites. The Samaritans and the Jewish people hated each other. How absurd—and quite beautiful—that Jesus intentionally chose a Samaritan village to prepare for Him. Jesus’ ministry was all about reconciliation— bringing God’s people back to Him. And God’s plan is for everyone, regardless of race.
When the disciples were rejected by the Samaritans, they wanted to do more than shake the dust off their feet (Luke 9:5). They offered to call down fire upon the village—just as Elijah called down fire upon evil servants of the king back in the Old Testament. But Jesus would have none of that.
Along their way to Jerusalem, Jesus and His disciples came upon a man offering to follow Him. The man wanted to bury his father first, though. Scholars aren’t sure if the man’s father was already dead or near death. Jesus, however, was making clear the sense of urgency to follow Him.
The same is true for the next man who wanted to first say goodbye to his family. Jesus wants total dedication from His followers. The best life—God’s best—is when we hold on to Jesus.
Why Is This Important
People are great at making excuses and procrastinating. While they want to follow Christ, they can get distracted by less important matters. Instead, we can hold on to Jesus, and the rest of life’s details will fall into place.
Teacher Devotion
“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’” (Isaiah 30:21)
Especially in the Midwest, farmers used to (and many still do) string a rope from the house to the barn in preparation for blizzards. The
harsh storms produced such extreme amounts of snow with little to no visibility that people could get lost simply going from their house to the barn and back again.
But farmers needed to tend to their livestock and milk the cows. Farm life didn’t take any breaks because of a storm—even a blizzard. So the rope—a lifeline—provided safety for farmers and their families when they traveled back and forth between buildings.
Life can be full of storms. And many of life’s storms can cloud our outlook, making even today a bit blurry. But Jesus is the ultimate lifeline. Holding on to Jesus provides us with the needed safety and security we need as we continue to navigate our own journeys.
Here are just a few ways Jesus provides the lifeline we need to navigate each day.
- God’s Word is full of promises assuring us of His presence and His provision.
- Jesus can prompt a friend to speak a word of encouragement at just the right moment.
- God’s ways aren’t intended to limit our fun; instead, they’re helpful guardrails to help us live our best life.
What would you add to the list? How has Jesus provided you with a much-needed lifeline this week? This month? This year?
Take time to thank Jesus for His faithfulness and for providing such a lifeline for you.
Dear God, thank You for never failing. You are always present, always loving, always providing just the lifeline I need. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Bible Memory Verse
You’ll Need: Bibles, “Holding Hands” handouts, Scissors
Get Ready: Write words or phrases from the Bible verse on each set of holding hands. Place them around the room. If you have a large group, make more than one set.
“As they were walking along the road, a man said to Him, ‘I will follow You wherever You go.’ Jesus replied, ‘Foxes have dens, and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay His head.’” (Luke 9:57-58)
Have kids learn the Bible memory verse using this activity:
- Have kids open their Bibles to Luke 9:57.
- Read aloud the verses.
- Have kids work together to find and arrange the holding hands so the verse is in order.
- Lead them in saying the verse together.
- Repeat several times.
- Remove some of the words, and invite kids to try it without them.
SAY: Following Jesus is the best thing we can do, especially when tough times come. That’s why we hold on to Him.
Interactive Bible Experience
You’ll Need: Bibles, “Holding On to Jesus Investigations” handouts, Pencils
SAY: Today we’re learning that to find our way, we hold on to Jesus.
Follow these steps to explore the Bible passage:
- Read aloud Luke 9:51-56.
- What did you notice about Jesus and the disciples’ experience?
- Explain how you think it relates to our memory verse for today.
- Give each child a handout and a pencil.
- Read aloud Luke 9:57-62.
- Form five different groups.
- Have kids talk in their groups about what dens are to foxes and briefly write what they talked about in the section labeled “Foxes.”
- Have them talk in their groups about what nests are to birds and briefly write what they talked about in the section labeled “Birds.”
- Assign each group a verse in the “Jesus’ Followers” section. Kids will read it aloud in their groups and write a summary of what it’s saying.
- Invite groups to share with everyone about their verses.
- Have kids fill in the other blanks as each group shares about its verse.
SAY: It’s great to follow Jesus, and when we do, we hold on tight to Him to guide us through happy times, sad times, and hard times.
- What do you know about Jesus that can help you trust Him?
- What’s a way you can hold on to Jesus?
SAY: Jesus tells us to hold on to Him, because when we do He guides us and cares for us through good times and bad.
My Paw Snacks
You’ll Need: Cheetos Paws snacks, Small plates or napkins, Wet wipes
Follow these steps for the snack:
- Have kids clean their hands.
- Show kids the Cheetos Paws snacks, and invite them to speculate about ways the paws might be connected with today’s lesson.
- Give each child some Cheetos Paws snacks on a plate or napkin.
- Enjoy!
SAY: When we follow Jesus, we don’t always know what’s ahead. That’s why we hold on tightly to Jesus. He’ll guide us and care for us.
Follow Me Trail
SAY: Jesus says to us, “Come, follow me.” Following Him will be quite an adventure, and it will come with some ups and downs. That’s why we’ll hold on to Him. Let’s play a game to help us think about that.
Follow these steps to play Follow the Leader:
- Form two teams.
- Have each team form a line.
- Choose one child at one end of each line to be the leader, and have everyone in line turn in the direction of that person and put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front of them.
- The leader will lead his or her team around the room, doing fun actions such as skipping, hopping, jumping, or walking on knees.
- After a minute, the leader will move to the end of the line, and the next person next in line becomes the leader.
- Repeat until everyone has a chance to lead.
- Describe whether it was easy or difficult to lead in this game.
- What was it like to follow?
- How did this game help you think about what Jesus said in our Bible memory verse?
SAY: When we hold on to Jesus, He’ll help us find our way in life.
All Hands
You’ll Need: White card stock, Paper plates, Washable paint, Wide paintbrushes, Wet wipes, Fine-tipped markers, Child-safe scissors, Hole punch, Metal brads
Get Ready: Pour a different color of paint in the center of each paper plate and add a paintbrush.
To make the craft, have kids follow these steps:
- Remind kids that to find our way, we hold on to Jesus.
- Give each child six sheets of card stock, and have kids place the card stock in front of them.
- Have them paint one color of paint on the palm and fingers of the other hand and then carefully press it to the card stock to create a handprint.
- Then have them wipe their hands with a wet wipe.
- Repeat this with each color of paint until kids each have six handprints in different colors. Allow the handprints to dry.
- Once the handprints are dry, have kids use fine-tipped markers to write “Hold On to Jesus” along the fingers of each hand in a color different from the handprint.
- Have kids cut out each handprint, stack the handprints, and punch a hole through the base of the palm where the wrist would begin.
- Help kids stick a metal brad through the hole and spread the ends so the handprints remain attached but can open into a circle of hands.
SAY: Take home your hands as a reminder that we hold on to Jesus because He helps us find our way in life.
Hand-Holding Prayers
You’ll Need: “All Hands” craft
Lead kids to pray in this way:
- Have kids each spread open their “All Hands” crafts.
- Allow time for them to talk to Jesus about one thing for each hand as they imagine holding His hand.
- Close in prayer.
PRAY: Dear God, thank You for giving us Jesus. We know He helps us find our way. Help us hold on to Him always. In Jesus’ name, amen.