
Mountaintop Experiences

Bible Background

What Kids Will Learn

Jesus is the Son of God, and only He can provide a relationship with God. God Himself spoke to Peter, John, and James affirming who Jesus is.

Scripture Summary

Jesus had just taught His followers about the best way to live—God’s way. When people want to follow Jesus, they must give up selfish ways and their own life. As negative as this might sound, anyone who gives up his or her life for Jesus will save it. Jesus’ message was full of paradoxes that were difficult to understand.

There were 12 disciples, but Jesus spent additional time with a few: Peter, John, and James. He trusted them to take more of a leadership role to further His ministry. The four of them went off on their own to pray. And something spectacular happened to Jesus. With Moses ( representing the law) and Elijah ( representing the prophets) standing by His side, Jesus was transfigured and His glory was physically visible. God spoke and affirmed Jesus as His Son.

After this event, the disciples didn’t want to leave. Peter suggested building three shelters, one each for Jesus, Moses, and Elijah. This could have been as part of the Feast of the Tabernacles, which often included shelters to remember the exodus. Or, Peter might have understood the three important aspects of Christianity: the law, the prophets, and Jesus.

Jesus continued His ministry by healing a boy possessed by demons. The boy’s father cried out to Jesus and begged for healing since the disciples had already tried and couldn’t heal the boy. Jesus got frustrated with the disciples; unfortunately, the disciples’ faith might have been lacking.

Why Is This Important

We can trust that Jesus is who He said He is. It is only through Jesus that we’re able to have a relationship with God and eternal life in heaven.

Teacher Devotion


“Come close to God, and God will come close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners; purify your hearts, for your loyalty is divided between God and the world.” (James 4:8)

Everyone has experienced a one-sided friendship. It’s draining and hurtful to be the one to initiate conversation, invite the friend over, and carry the friendship. But a healthy relationship is one where the work of nurturing the relationship is shared. Both friends initiate texts back and forth. Each friend takes a turn hosting the other. Both friends have opportunities to speak and to listen.

That’s how it is with God. He is the perfect friend who will never let you down.

God speaks. His word is full of timeless truth. God can also creatively get our attention through a faithful friend’s word of encouragement (or rebuke). And He can speak through His beautiful creation—the nature that surrounds us.

God listens. Jeremiah 29:12-13 says, “In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for Me wholeheartedly, you will find Me.” God can and will listen to your praises, your lament, and your mundane conversation.

God is faithful. God is perfect, and God is love. We will never find a replacement for His trustworthy presence. And He will never let you down.

God is always there. Isaiah 41:10 says, “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.” Day or night, God is with us.

Take time to thank God for being a good friend. Consider how you will spend time with Him today.


Dear God, thank You for speaking to me, for listening, for being faithful, and for always being there. I am glad to spend time with You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Get the full Sunday school lesson plan

  • Bible Memory Verse
  • Interactive Bible Experience
  • Animated video with companion questions

Bible Memory Verse

You’ll Need: Bible, “Memory Mountain” handouts, Colored pencils, Scissors

Get Ready: Before class, print the “Memory Mountain” handout, one for each child.

“About eight days after Jesus said this, He took Peter, John and James with Him and went up onto a mountain to pray. As He was praying, the appear- ance of His face changed, and His clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning.” (Luke 9:28-29)

Lead kids in these steps to learn today’s Bible memory verse:

  • Open your Bible to Luke 9:28-29.
  • Read the Bible memory verse several times and invite kids to repeat after you.
  • Give each child a “Memory Mountain” handout, and set out colored pencils to share.
  • Invite kids to color the handout.
  • Help kids cut on the solid black lines to create strips from the handout.
  • Lead kids in putting the mountainscape and memory verse back in order.

SAY: Great job re-creating your mountainscapes. Today we’re going to learn more about what it means to have a “mountaintop experience” with Jesus.

Interactive Bible Experience

You’ll Need: Bible, Flashlight

  • Open your Bible to Luke 9:28-36.
  • Invite kids to lie on their backs and listen closely to the passage as you read.
  • Turn out the lights and use the flashlight to read the passage.

SAY: God did something incredible on that mountain through Jesus. When we follow Him, we’re sure to have some mountaintop experiences of our own!


  • Tell about a day that was so special you never wanted it to end.
  • What was surprising to you about today’s passage?


InTENTs Snacks

You’ll Need: Paper plates, Napkins, Pretzel rods, Flour tortillas, Cream cheese spread, Knife

Get Ready: Before the snack, cut the tortillas in half. Have kids clean their hands.

Follow these steps for the “InTENTs” snacks:

  • Give each child a paper plate, a napkin, several pretzel rods, a tortilla half, and a dollop of cream cheese.
  • Remind kids that in today’s Bible passage, Peter wanted to build three tents: one for Jesus, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.

SAY: Peter was so amazed by the miracle taking place in front of him that he almost missed out on all of God’s miracles to come. Today we’re going to build tents for a snack. When we eat them, let’s remember that meeting Jesus on a mountaintop is not a stopping place, but a starting point.

  • Invite kids to build tents out of their pretzel rods and tortilla halves. They can use the cream cheese spread for dip.
  • Enjoy!


  • Why do you think Jesus took Peter, John, and James up on the mountain to pray?
  • Why do you think Peter wanted to stay on the mountain?


Flash of Lightning Tag

You’ll Need: Flashlight, Blindfold

To play “Flash of Lightning” tag, have kids follow these steps:

  • Choose one child to be the tagger first. Blindfold the child, give him or her a flashlight, and have the child stand at the center of the room.
  • Invite all other kids to spread out around the room.
  • Explain that while the lights are on, everyone should move around the room. When you flicker the lights, everyone has to freeze in place.
  • With everyone frozen, the blindfolded tagger will use the flashlight to point around the room. If the flashlight beam lands on a classmate, that child becomes the next tagger.
  • Play several rounds as time allows.


  • What do you think the disciples were feeling when they saw Jesus change while they were on the mountain?

SAY: Life with Jesus is even better than anything we can imagine. Those miracles Jesus performed showed us a taste of what life with Him could be like. When God works miracles in our lives, let’s give Him honor and praise.


Mini Mountaintop Craft

You’ll Need: Large craft sticks, Glue sticks, Light-blue construction paper, Cotton balls, Scissors, Markers

Get Ready: Before class, cut 6-inch triangles out of the light-blue construction paper, one triangle per child.

Have kids follow these steps to make the “Mini Mountaintop” craft:

  • Give each child three craft sticks and a glue stick.
  • Help kids glue the craft sticks into the shape of a triangle.
  • Invite kids to glue the construction-paper triangle to the craft sticks.
  • Give kids each a handful of cotton balls and have them glue them to the top corner of the “mountain.”
  • Help kids write “The Best Is Yet to Come” on their mountains.

SAY: When Jesus took Peter, John, and James to the mountaintop to pray, they experienced the presence of God. It was so amazing that Peter didn’t want to leave. Jesus teaches us that the mountaintops we experience aren’t a stopping point but a starting point. Take your “Mini Mountaintop” crafts home as a reminder that when we follow Jesus, the best is yet to come!


Mountaintop Prayers

You’ll Need: “Mini Mountaintop” crafts

Follow these steps to lead kids in prayer.

  • Invite kids to spread out around the room.

SAY: In today’s passage, Jesus took some of His disciples to the top of a mountain to pray. We can’t climb a mountain in class today, but we can praise Jesus for all of the mountaintop experiences He’s given us.

  • Invite kids to hold their “Mini Mountaintop” crafts.
  • Have kids call out things they are thankful for as you thank Jesus for loving us so much.
  • Close in prayer.

PRAY: Dear God, thank You for meeting us on the mountain and working miracles. God, help us to remember that mountaintop experiences are only the beginning, and with You, the best is yet to come! In Jesus’ name, amen.