Safe In His Hands Group
Actividades del grupo

Interactive Group Activities
by Carol Williams & Charles Kirkpatrick

Sermon Title: "Safe in His Hands"

Scripture Reading: John 10:27-29

Here are a few ideas to consider - choose the ones that are best for YOUR class!

ROPE HAND - Have the children trace their own hand and then glue a thin "rope" around the traced hand. Discuss the "tug of war" between Jesus and Satan.

HAND DRAWING: Have the children trace their hand and glue cotton balls inside the hand with little black hooves below the cotton balls to represent sheep. Print Bible verse John 10:29 all around the fingers of the traced hand!

FUN SHEEP (for younger children) - Draw circles for younger children to glue cotton balls and little black hooves. Teacher can have a shortened version of the Bible verse written under the sheep with a few letters missing for the child to fill in.

HAND TRACING - Have the children trace their hand and then color a little stick figure inside the hand. Write Bible verse on the fingers of the drawing - John 10:29

T-SHIRT HAND PRINTS - (If finances allow or if children can be asked to bring a T-shirt in to SS) - have a white T-shirt for each child to put their hand prints on with paint and fabric paints to write IN JESUS' HANDS, or some other phrase for today's lesson.

HAND TO REMEMBER - Trace hand and tape typed Bible verse on hand. Cut out the hand print and tie a red ribbon or yarn to the pointer finger. Discussion for red yarn to show us to REMEMBER something very important - recite the Bible verse again! Some children may enjoy having a red ribbon tied to his/her finger if they can say the Bible verse to REMEMBER!

HAND GAME - Place a picture of a child or some other meaningful object on the table. Have all children pile their hands on top of one another.... ie - one hand, someone else's hand, another hand, etc - then the HAND GAME of pulling the bottom hand out and putting it on the top, the next hand is pulled out and put on the top, etc --- its fun and funny too (giggles will be expected for sure). Discuss that the object at the bottom of the pile is being "protected" by a hand! HOPEFULLY this won't be too far fetched, but children WILL remember the lesson after the game and the discussion of being in God's hand!!

Song:  "He's Got the Whole World in His Hand" Arr. by Charles Kirkpatrick

Words and Music (pdf)

MP3 Piano Accompaniment - Right click and save to your computer. (Two measures introduction and sing twice.)

Song:  "I Know Whom I Have Believed" Arr. by Charles Kirkpatrick

Words and Music (pdf)

MP3 Piano Accompaniment - Right click and save to your computer. (Two measures introduction and sing twice.

These songs may be freely downloaded and reproduced for religious or educational use by churches, schools, home schoolers, and other non-profit organizations.

About Carol Williams
Carol and her husband have served churches in Illinois, Minnesota, Mississippi, Michigan, and Indiana.  Carol loves to work with children so you will find her teaching in Junior Church and children's Sunday School.  She also has clowning ministry in which she is known as Bubbles tc (the clown).
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