The Fruit of the Spirit
Actividades del grupo

Sermon Title: "The Tater Family"and "The Fruit of the Spirit"

Scripture Reading: Galatians 5:23-23


Divide the class into teams. Each team will be given a broom and an apple to run a relay to push the apple toward the finish line. When their apple is across the finish line, they will pick their apple up and run back to the team where the next team player will continue to play until all the players have pushed the apple.


Each team will have a basket of fruit that they will carry on their head to the finish line and then bring the basket back to next team member. Another option would be for each team to run to the team table and put all the fruit into a basket and run back to the team where the team member will run to the table and empty the basket and run back for the next player to FILL the basket and continue to play until everyone has filled the basket with fruit.


Draw fruit on construction paper and cut out and write words from today's Bible lesson or Bible verse on each fruit. Place the fruit in a basket for the children or for two teams. Children will take the fruit out of their baskets and tape to their poster board in the correct order of the verse.


Give children construction paper in various colors to cut out parts of a tree and branches. Children can then cut out various types of fruit to glue to the tree and write the fruit of the spirit on each fruit.


Provide children with construction paper in the shape of a piece of fruit for children to color and decorate, add stickers and write all the fruit of the spirit on the mini pictures of various fruit on the bookmarker.


The children can make a fruit basket collage out of magazine pictures of fruit. Make a border of construction paper slips and hang the collages around the classroom. Write the fruits of the spirit on the edges of the border.


Each child can be given a piece of construction paper to cut into the shape of a fruit of their choice. On the fruit picture, the children will make finger prints around the piece of fruit that they have cut out. Then the children can each take a sharpee or a pen and add lines, etc, to make each finger print look like a piece of fruit.


Give each child a large fruit to cut out and decorate for the classroom door. Each fruit should be the size of an 8 x 10 " piece of paper. The children can decorate their fruit with markers, stickers, and glitter and then hang their fruit on the door.




Fruit salad is a great snack for today's lesson. The children can each have a small bowl of one fruit to add to the big bowl of fruit - mix and share together with crackers, if desired!

Song: "The Fruit of the Spirit"

Words and music (pdf)

MP3 piano accompaniment- Right click and save to your computer

Song: "Spirit of the Living God"

Words and music (pdf)

MP3 piano accompaniment- Right click and save to your computer