
Abraham and Isaac


Trusting God


Individually wrapped candy hidden somewhere in the room; two guests


Genesis 22:1-19


Children's Sermon: Abraham and Isaac (Genesis 22:1-19)

You’ll need two guests--only one of these people should be someone kids know well. The person kids know well will tell the truth. Fill in the names in the parentheses below.

Today we are going to play a game called Who Do You Trust? You know these guests I have here. One is our (name of person) and one is (name of person). Our guests are going to give you directions to find some candy, but you can only trust one of them. When our guests are done giving you directions, you guys will tell who you trust. Remember, you can trust only one of these people.

Have each person give the directions. Then ask:

Who do you trust?

Why do you trust that person?

Have one child follow the directions given for each person the kids trust. Only one path will lead to the candy. Once the candy is found, bring the kids back and have them share the candy.

You trusted (name of person). Some of the reasons you gave that you trusted this person is because you knew him/her. You knew that he/she would tell you the truth. 

Today’s Bible lesson about Abraham and Isaac is about trust. As I tell you what happened, I need your help. When I put my hand to my ear like this (demonstrate), I want you to say in your most surprised voice, “Say what!?”

Abraham was Isaac's father. Abraham and his wife Sarah were almost 100 years old when Isaac was born. (Put your hand to your ear for kids to say, “Say what!?”) And God told Abraham that He was going to have lots of grandchildren and great grandchildren through his son Isaac.

One day, God spoke to Abraham and told him to take Isaac up on a mountain and give God the thing that he loved more than anything. (Put your hand to your ear for kids to say, “Say what!?”)

So Abraham took Isaac and they started up the mountain. (Put your hand to your ear for kids to say, “Say what!?”) 

On the third day, Abraham told Isaac that they were going to build an altar and offer a sacrifice to God. Isaac said to his father, "The fire and the wood are here, but where is the lamb for the offering?" (Put your hand to your ear for kids to say, “Say what!?”) 

Abraham answered Isaac and said, "God will provide the lamb."

They kept walking until they arrived at the place where God had told him to go. Then Abraham built an altar and arranged the wood on it. Abraham was ready to give God the thing he loved the most. (Put your hand to your ear for kids to say, “Say what!?”)

Then Abraham looked and saw a ram caught by his horns in the thicket. (Put your hand to your ear for kids to say, “Say what!?”) So Abraham took the ram and offered it as a sacrifice to God. 

Abraham had faith in God and trusted Him completely -- and God provided the lamb -- just as Abraham had told Isaac that He would.

When we put our trust in God, He always provides.

Dear God, help us, like Abraham, trust You fully and have faith that You will provide. In Jesus' name, amen.