Go And Tell Group
Group Activities

Interactive Group Activities
by Carol Williams & Charles Kirkpatrick

Sermon Title: "Go and Tell"

Scripture Reading: Luke 8:26-29

GIFT RELAY: Divide the class int teams and put each team at a table with a box and gift wrapping supplies, as well as a card for the gift that will say, "ETERNAL LIFE". When the teacher says, "GO", the teams will see who can wrap their gifts of "Eternal Life" the quickest and the best! Some teams might place their "eternal life" card inside and some may place it ON the gift—either is fine.

BLIND FOLDED GIFT WRAPPING: Choose a few children to blindfold and provide gift wrapping material for them to wrap a gift. Each child should be given a marker and a card also to write THANK YOU, ETERNAL LIFE or GO AND TELL and place it in their gift box. Make sure to video tape this activity! Children can sit in a circle and hear today's Bible story about saying Thank YOU and God's gift of Eternal life!

GIFT FINGER PAINTING: The children can be given an apron and supplies for finger painting a GIFT box. Use supplies/items to write ETERNAL LIFE or GO AND TELL on the finger painting art. Make sure to have several colors for the gift and "bow" to draw attention to their THANK YOU gift.

GIFT WRAP - WALL SIZE: The children can be divided into teams to make a door or wall size gift wrapping. One team can cut out the letters for the gift (E-T-E-R-N-A-L L-I-F-E); another team can cut the colorful solid color wrapping paper to tape to the wall and another team can prepare the long ribbon for the gift bow!

BUBBLES BLOW: Take all the children outside to blow bubbles. One team can BLOW bubbles while the other team COUNTS the bubbles; then switch teams for the blowing and counting. Let children know that these bubbles represent all the people in our world who need to hear about GOD's Love and Eternal LIFE, OR let the bubbles represent how many times we should say THANK YOU to God for His Love for us and all that He has done for us!

FINGERPRINT PEOPLE: Give each child a piece of construction paper (4 X 8") and a rainbow colored ink pad. In a certain amount of time allowed, the children will make as many finger prints on their paper as time allows. The children can use ink pens or markers and add hands and legs/feet to their prints and let them know that these represent all the people who need to hear about Jesus!

GIFT BOOKLET: Provide paper for children to cut squares out as gifts, decorate the edges of each page and place a front picture page of a GIFT wrapped. Each page can have a word of thanks or a word of something that God has done for us. Tie the booklet together with a piece of ribbon and encourage children to "read" their GIFT booklet everyday and THANK GOD for all the things that He has given and done for them.

CHALK PEOPLE: Give the children some chalk and a large parking lot to make as many "stick people" drawings as time allows by the teacher. (2-3 minutes would probably be a good time span). Let children count how many people they drew and pray at that time together in a huddle/circle for all the people we need to share about Jesus.

SHARE A SNACK: The teacher could "gift wrap" each child's snack today and add a curly ribbon to their treat!

Song:  "Stop and Let Me Tell You"

Words and music (pdf)

Piano Accompaniment (mp3)

Song:  "Tell What He's Done for You"

Words and music (pdf)

Piano Accompaniment (mp3)

About Carol Williams
Carol and her husband have served churches in Illinois, Minnesota, Mississippi, Michigan, and Indiana.  Carol loves to work with children so you will find her teaching in Junior Church and children's Sunday School.  She also has clowning ministry in which she is known as Bubbles tc (the clown).
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